672 results found
email individual on bill share
I can't able to track all the bill's shared by my friend. Everytime I need to come to splitwise webpage to see the bill's. You could add a option on the setting page about send email for each bill shared in the group. Some people like this, some may not. I prefer to receive email on each addition of new bills.
3 votesYou can now receive emails when expenses are added, edited or deleted.
Edit group cancel button
Add a button to the edit group page that doesn't save any changes and goes back to the main screen. Using the back button feels weird.
3 votesThanks, great point. (via email – Anonymous means the website).
global summary for specific friends
If I have a friend that is part of multiple groups and owes me money in each group. It would be great to see a grand total debt for a specific friend and allow a payment to cover multiple groups (auto split).
for right now I have to go into each group and manually add debts3 votesWe’ve updated the friends page on the web to show a global summary. You can also simplify debts from the gear next to your friends name on that page in the web to consolidate all debts into your friendship, and then add a payment to settle up that amount.
Contacts list organization
Show the people who owe me money at the top of the list and probably group them- owes me, I owe and settled up , like it works in the splitwise iphone app. Also, provide scroll to browse through the lsit of friends.
3 votesWe now have the dashboard for showing balances you have and scrolling works.
Bills across groups
I want to create bills having people belonging to different groups. Currently that doesn't seem to be possible.
3 votesYou cannot have a bill that belongs to more than one group, but you can now easily add people to a bill in addition ton one group.
"Even, Plus/Minus $..." splitting
Also from Billmonk, this lets the split stay even, but one person pays $x more than the other(s). Scales arbitrarily.
Perform by subtracting x from the bill total, splitting the fake total, and then adding x back into the one person's share.
3 votesUpdate: This is now available on the web! To do this you choose “split the bill unequally” and you’ll see the new options on how to split a bill in there (adjustment being one of them)
We plan on adding various new ways to split the bill in the near future. I can see how this would be a good addition to that list.
Dates on Bills
I used to be able to set the date of the bill in the next month since that is when I want my room mates to pay up. I like separating the bills out into the months that they are due. With the current (new) format if I want to print out the PDF for the month there would be weird dates for all the bills and for some it would like there are two comcast bills in the same month. Bring the date-set feature back... Thanks
3 votesYou should be able to set the date everywhere now.
Have a way to remove someone from a group without losing their name in previous transactions
EG, housemate moves out. Don't need to show their name in the list anymore. But don't want them to be shown as [removed] from previous transactions
3 votesDeleted group members should still show up with their names now.
Let us choose who to include in an itemised bill instead of creating a column for all friends
There is no need to have all friends be a part of the itemised bill. We now have to unnecessarily uncheck their participation for each time.
3 votesItemized bill will now use whichever people are in the “To:” list. If you are in a group and only have a few people you want to include, delete the group token and add the people individually.
Itemized bill to be modified easily
Bills already added in Groups, need to be modified easily. Web interface shows the whole bill as only a list (needs to editable individual entries). Also I couldn't figure out how to edit an entry from Mobile.
3 votesEditing itemized bills is now live on the web.
Address book Support
If the app can search the address book to find the name and email of the person then it would be very productive and easy to add people in your group.
3 votesThis should be live in both mobile apps and gmail integration is available on the web as well.
Total amount on shared bills
Hi, I was wondering if you could add a feature which shows the total amount on the shared bill. Because when someone submits a shared bill, we will know just our share. It would be good if it was like "This is the total amount and your share is this much". Just a thought!
3 votesThis should be how we show bills everywhere now.
Make it clear who I owe money to
I used Bill Monk before this -- and found that their interface was easier to understand. I have to click open the dollar amount to figure out what I owe each person.
3 votesI’m not sure if we’ve actually “completed” this, but it was our intention with the recent round of updates to the web. If it still seems confusing, please send specific feedback on what was difficult to understand.
International currency support for iOS apps
Why dont you support only USD in iOS app?
I want to use it in JPY...3 votesSorry for the late update! The iOS app has been able to deal with other currencies for the last few months.
1 suggestion
Me and my friend share a group in splitwise. To settle up the money I owe him, I had to look the account maintained in the group and also the account that is outside the group. This is confusing. Why would I want to look for multiple accounts/groups if I have decided to pay him the full money that I owe him? please make this easy..........
3 votesWe’ve made it so looking at your friends personal page will now include the group balance you have with them and settling up completely from there will settle up all groups.
Make the number of transaction while settling minimum that too with minimum amount.
While calculating who owes whom how much, we get the the total amount owed to someone or total amount getting back which is the net of what we owe and what we get back, but it still shows the maximum number of transaction which can be reduced to minimum number of transaction with minimum amount in each transaction. For e.g.
A owes B 200 , B owes C 300 and C owes A 100, so finally A owes 100, B owes 100 and C gets back 200 which is mentioned but the transaction mentioned is like A owes B 200…3 votesWithin a group, go on the website and click on “settle up.” There’s an option at the top to turn on debt shuffle, which figures out the minimum necessary transactions to get back to 0.
Catrgory for "Entertainment"
Can we get a category (and icon) for "Entertainment" expenses. Meaning like when my friends and I go out to the movies and one of us pays for the tickets. Or like this past weekend when we went out for Karaoke and one of us paid. Sucks to have to just use the "General" label.
3 votesEntertain away! We gave you a couple of options in there.
New category: Cleaning
It's super common around these parts to hire a cleaning lady and split the bill evenly among the flatmates. A broom would be the perfect icon for that.
Also, it's common to hire a cleaning lady when you rent an apartment for a holiday and split among the travellers, so, double-win! :D
3 votesWe’ve just added a bunch of new categories. Hopefully one of the new categories in Household fills this need for you.
3 votes
Update the "Whats new" section for android app updates, this lets people know what has been updated
Recently I have been getting a lot of updates for the android app. While this is great, I do not know what has been updated, even if its a bugfix, a changelog can be put into the "whats new" section of the android app page showing users what has changed.
3 votes