750 results found
Add Split Screen to iPad App
Would be great to have the ability to use your app in split screen mode, so I can have my expenses and split wise open!
13 votesThanks for the suggestion. We’re always looking for ways to improve our app. We’d like to get to everything but there’s only so much time in a day.
my activity
Sometime I want to see what all expenses I have already added so that I can add only the remaining one.
Can there be an option to track just "my activity" for last 30-60 days.13 votesThanks for the interesting suggestion! I can see how this would be helpful, I’ll pass along the idea!
Translate Persian
We would appreciate if you would like to translate the program into Persian
13 votesWe’d love to add Persian as a language option in the future! Sorry that it’s not available yet.
Detailed summary of debts
it would be very handy to have, next to the existing summary of how much someone owes to someone else, an overview of how much someone owes to someone else for which reason.
For example: Bart owes in total € 200 to Tom, of which € 40 for energy bill 1/01/2012; € 60 beers bill of 2/01/2012 and € 120 rent of october.12 votesThis does sound useful!
Add a confirmation box when duplicate entries are added
Please add detection of duplicate entry.
If duplicate entry is detected add another confirmation box for user "do you want to really add ?".12 votesThis would be a very good feature – we’ve talked about it before, but haven’t gotten around to adding it yet. Thanks for the suggestion!
Import Excel format Bank Statement (BoFA)
Directly Import the bank statement to add bill for whole month and show an option of each line item to be tagged (like facebook tagging) under any group or person
12 votesInteresting! I know we’re generally cautious about building importers (they can be a lot of work to develop, and they generally don’t get much use), but I’ll pass on this suggestion at our next meeting and see what the team thinks.
Add a note feature
Need a note, a simple sticky on a calendar to remind myself and my friends of the upcoming bills. Currently I use my phone's calendar but I cannot share that with my roommates.
For example, as soon as I see the electric bill, I will note it on the due date, I don't pay these bills immediately but if any of my roommates feel its good to pay it themselves they can scratch the note and add a bill.12 votesInteresting. We’ve talked about adding “comments” to groups, which sounds a bit like what you’re suggesting (minus the calendar). I’ll pass on your suggestion at our next meeting and see what the rest of the team thinks :)
Name Diners and Itemize in Plates
It would make it convenient to be able to name diners in the Plates app. This well help identifying which plate belongs to the individual diner.
Another nice feature would be the ability to type in the items off of a receipt so when you send out the split check your friends see what they ordered and not just a line item dollar amount.
12 votesThanks for the suggestions! You can actually already name diners in the Plates app, though it’s a bit hidden – just tap on a plate while you’re adding items, and then tap on the name displayed in the column on the left. You’ll be able to type in a name for that plate. It’s pretty basic, but I hope it helps!
I’ll pass on your suggestion about naming items – I know we left that out at first in order to keep Plates as slim and fast as possible, but I definitely see how it’d be useful for some people. For now, I’m sorry for any inconvenience!
Give users the ability to see future balances for recurring expenses.
In our group we have expenses like Rent, Internet & Netflix that are static in amount most of the year. We have expenses like this set as recurring.
When expenses are recurring there's not much room to quickly see an upcoming balance which is ultimately what my suggestion would provide.
12 votesI could see us adding something like showing how your balance will change in the upcoming expenses tab.
Track a bill when simplify debts in ON
We use keep the "Simplify Debts" option ON to reduce the number of settlements required within the group. Due to this, I don't get to know how the bill gets split up and simplified, and settlements are for completely different (calculated) amounts. Is there a way I can track how the bill amount got split up / simplified amongst the group
12 votesVery sorry for the trouble! We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to explain why you owe what you owe when simplify debts is on, and unfortunately it’s fiendishly difficult (since it often ends up depending on a chain of expenses that goes back for months). Still, we hope we can make some updates in the future that help make it clearer. In the meantime, my apologies for the confusion!
Download all the expenses of current month
Add the option to download all expenses of the current month. Now we can download expense on a particular group,but not on all expenses made by me (including all groups and individuals) for current month.
12 votesThanks for the suggestion! I’ll pass it on at our next team meeting – I know we haven’t updated our export options for a while, so maybe we’ll get a chance to update them soon.
to include a calendar screen to check the expenses on a particular day or even enable the expenses to be posted on Google calendar
add a calendar screen to check expenses in past 2. Add expenses to google calendar
12 votesOoh, interesting suggestion! This isn’t on our roadmap right now, but I’ll add it to our list of possible improvements for future updates.
car sharing
I bought a used car that I use to commute to and from work. My boyfriend will soon be without a car and will use my car whenever he needs to drive somewhere on the weekend when I am not using it. Is there a calculator to determine how much each of us should pay towards insurance, upkeep, etc?
12 votesThanks for the suggestion! We don’t have a calculator for this right now, but I’ll add it to our list of possible calculator ideas for the future.
Select a couple of the leading personal expense apps and make splitwise compatible, so that costs added on splitwise can automatically add
Cross compatibility with a leading personal expense calculator app (e.g. IExpenseit ) would exponentially increase the value the app adds to life. Splitwise is great, but if you are tracking all expenses, you are constantly doing double handling.
12 votesThanks for the suggestion! I think it’s unlikely we’ll do this kind of integration, but I’ll leave this up to see if other people are interested in this idea. The main issue with this kind of integration is that it’s a very challenging design problem to figure out how to integrate with a budgeting app in a way that makes sense to people using it. Over the lifetime of Splitwise, we’ve discovered a lot of interesting things about how people think about splitting money. I’m not sure we’re up to taking on the same task for how people think about budgeting.
12 votes
Thanks for the suggestion!
We’d love to add Polish as a language option in the future!. Sorry that it’s not available yet! -
implement more sign in options etc Apple ID sign in
you guys should implement Apple ID sign in on both web and mobile app
12 votesThanks for the suggestion! Leaving this under review for further voting for now.
"equal share" option can exclude old house mates without removing them from group
I live in a co-op house with 6 housemates and 10 older house mates. Some still visit but most are no longer living with us. The number of older housemates keeps growing over time, and sometimes we add friends to splitwise to balance all sorts of expenses.
When I add an expense and select "share equally" I want it to charge only the active housemates. What happens is that it selects ALL the people in the group, and I need to manually uncheck them off until I have the group I desire. It would help if I could define a…
11 votesI like the idea of the “sub-group” and see how it could be useful when it comes to bigger groups like that. I’ll bring this up at our next meeting and see if it’s something we can put on the schedule.
Automatically Pull/Parse bill emails
I would totally give you guys access to my email if you could grab PG&E statement emails and add those bill amounts automatically to Splitwise. Would be rad. They always have the same subject line ("Your PG&E Energy Statement is Ready to View") and the total is included in the email body.
Love your app!
11 votesWe are planning to add some features along these lines, though they are not scheduled yet.
friends profile pictures
If i link my account to facebook / google i would expect that if my friends dont use this site or dont have a profile picture selected you would load it from those services. Why doesn't this happen?
Also why aren't images being be pulled from my google address book?
I saw the article about people being "scared away" by gravatar images. Couldn't you just include a small icon in the bottom coner showing where you got the icon from?
11 votesWe’d definitely like to work on better Facebook/Google contacts integration, including showing friends’ profile pictures. It hasn’t been a high priority because only a very small % of our users connect with FB or Google, but we’d still like to do it when we get a chance.
The icon for Gravatar images is an interesting idea as well – I’ll pass that on. Thanks for the suggestion!
Show the transaction date for person to person payments on the transaction list and in the transaction summary
Currently, on the transaction list, person-to-person payments are correctly sorted by their payment dates, but instead of showing the date of the transaction there is just a $ sign. Bill payments show dates, but it would be handy to see the dates of these 'settle-up' transactions without clicking on them.
Additionally, when you click on one of these transactions, the only way to see the transaction date is to go to 'Edit payment'. The transaction summary view only shows the date that the transaction was added to Splitwise.
11 votesSorry for the trouble! I’ve just added the date to the payment details screen on the web (though if the date of the transaction is the same as the date it was added, it will only show the date it was added). I’ll pass on your feedback about showing the date directly in the transaction list – if we decide to make that change, it will likely take a while longer to make it to web + iPhone + Android.