Download/export Splitwise data
User should be able to download their entire data from Splitwise if they wish to do so. This data should include friend's list, emails, all transactions, groups and group transactions etc. if possible it should be in a neatly formatted spreadsheet.

You can do this from our web interface – just view a group or friend and click the “settings/gear” icon in the upper-right of the right-side column. In the menu that appears, click “Export as spreadsheet” to download a .csv file with all your expenses.
We also have a “download full backup” for Splitwise Pro users under advanced features in account settings. This includes all data for the account, but is in JSON format.
Azam Sh commented
As soon as I try to export my account data as a spreadsheet, it sends me a blank email to download the attachment but there is no spreadsheet attached to the email neither I am able to download that outright using the dashboard. How can I download all-time account and transaction data? Thanks
Steven M commented
Good Folks. If I wanted to edit the source file for this. The file that holds all the data to TEMP reverse MY "settle ups" how might I find that file and can this be done.
The thing is, we've had a major medical event for all of 2018, and while I paid for expenses my partner had not be able to effectively account for the items it was his responsibility to enter.
I have the CSV file and can identify my "payments". Just need to pull them and reallocate those payments and then re-enter an ending total.
I am certain NONE of this makes sense. Ha.
Shubham Chakraborty commented
I can see this simple function is completely abandoned by the Admins. This is one function that i need to tally my expenses from my credit card and expenses in splitwise. But i cant be going to each friend individually and tallying one by one. The entire "all expenses" excel should be an easy thing as the data is already shown in the all expenses page but seems the admins dont really care about this anymore :(
Anonymous commented
It will be great if exporting bills / attachment facility is there. Something link in between given date ranges or month or week ets.
Shubham Chakraborty commented
This is specific to a user or a group. if i want to check ALL my expenses, there should be a button to download all the data together at once. bascially the data we see in the transactions list.
Anonymous commented
Can I also download the images attached while making an entry?
Amit commented
Due to simply debt features sometimes it becomes very difficult to track the expenses after adding a transaction which involves multiple people. it will be very useful to see what was the status before a particular transaction.. Best example I can give is: The way 'git deatils <commit-id>' shows the file state till the point of that commit! :P
PhaNi Gubbala commented
I want to select some, selected, expenses and it should show me the total amout of all the expenses that I have selected.
Sagar Indran commented
i had noted down my own expenses without creating a group and now i am not able to download the excel as the expenses are not part of the group
Anonymous commented
The file only gives data for total expense of the group, how much is one owed and how much she/he owes to others but not the data for his/her share of expenses. Such data would help us do a spend analysis. You should incorporate that too.
Anonymous commented
i dont see the export as spreadsheet option.. is it still available?
Aaron Ziegler commented
I recommend that you implement a very simple PDF report, such as that on the Splittr App. While that app is nowhere near as sophisticated as this one, the simple reporting capabilities on Splittr are superior.
Dieter Rencken commented
I'm not seeing the "gear" next to the name. What am I missing ?
Igal Tivoni commented
Is it possible to import a csv file for new expenses? (or, are there any future plans to do that)
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Hey sharath – the location of the button has moved, but you can still do this. Just view a group or friend on our website and click the "settings/gear" icon in the upper-right of the right-side column. In the menu that appears, click "Export as spreadsheet" to download a .csv file with all your expenses.
sharath commented
I dont find the path " “Other actions” menu, click “Export as spreadsheet” to download a .csv file with all your expenses."
Please mention clearly -
Anonymous commented
I am also in favor of the ability to download a full set of all my data. Sure, Splitwise seems stable now, but so did Billmonk back in the day. I'd like to be able to make my own backups of my data on a regular basis.
Anonymous commented
It will be good if we were able to download dashboard view in to spread sheet in the format similar to,
frnd name | money owed by you | money owed to uThis will give us summary of all friend instead of downloading data of each frnd separately.
Anonymous commented
Is there any update on this? I just moved from billmonk to splitwise. I liked the idea of downloading data in billmonk. So if there happened to be a hiccup in splitwise server and all data was lost atleast users who had downloaded the data still have all all the information..