110 results found
create options for paid support version
I love Splitwise and would hate to see it languish or go under for lack of revenue. I'd be prepared to pay $15-20 per year for the base service as it is now.
1 voteThere is now a Pro version you can sign up for in you account settings on web along with a couple of bonus web features for Pro users.
Make it more clear how to retry a pending transaction
I started to pay someone, but when I got to paypal I realized it would be easier to wait until someone paid me and I had a paypal balance to use. I cancelled, but expected the expense to still show up on the front page. I found it as "pending" under "all expenses", but it took quite a while to figure out that in order to try sending money again I was supposed to click the "update" button
1 voteIncomplete PayPal payments now have a button in the details to complete it on PayPal.
Discussion board for groups
Can we have a discussion area for groups where we can have conversations?
1 voteWe added comments to expenses to talk about individual expenses. Let us know if you find you need more messaging features.
Just want to say that this is really an amazing website
Hi! This is an amazing website. It is really helpful, fast and easy to use. I used to use some other bill splitting website but Splitwise is way better.
Additionally, you guys always keep adding new stuff and keep enhancing the website.1 voteThank you so much, anon! We love working on it too, and let us know here about any feedback and new stuff you’d like to see.
Make "simplify debts" more prominent
I love the "simplify debts" feature and "view full details". After several group vacations with friends the "full details" and "simplify debts" is what we use the most, however it's difficult many of my friends who are new to the site to find it. This is especially the case when the group has 8+ members and the "view full details" is at the bottom right side of the page.
I think the link location should be swapped with "view printable summary" to make it a bit more prominent. I would imagine users want to "view full details" a lot more…
3 votesWe now show a notice in the main web app on the right side.
Reduce the number of keystrokes it takes to choose a friend (or friends) to share expenses with.
I find the number of keystrokes to get to a friend disconcerting. First I have to partially type their name, then choose which person I want. I'd like to be able to see their name on the main page and just click them to start with
1 voteIf you start from your friendship or group page, they will automatically be in the expense when you add one.
don't default to split bills, let the user change the default
Right now (Windows 7), I always have to edit the paid by because the default is split, and 99% of the time one of the parties pays the entire thing.
3 votesWe’ve streamlined this a bit on all of our entry forms.
Monthly email reminders
I like the function to email people in the group to remind them to settle up. Our rent is due on a certain day every month. It would be great if there was a setting to select this settle up email to go out automatically on a certain day each month.
8 votesBy default, there’s a monthly summary email that goes out to all users on the first of the month. You can also set up an automatic reminder email for a specific bill by going into the date settings for that bill – click on the date, then choose a repeat interval, and you should see an option for sending a reminder in advance.
Hope that helps! If you’re looking for something different, or if I’ve misunderstood your suggestion, let us know at – we’d love to hear your thoughts :)
Suggestions on the Layout of Expenses page
Whenever i multiple bills for the same date, it'll be more intuitive if you show the bills in the order of - the most recent one at the top.
As of now, all the bills for the same date get added one after the other with the latest bill going to the bottom.
1 voteThis should be how it works everywhere.
to view individual expenses in a bar graph as there was earlier
I can't see the feature which shows bar graph of an individual expenses. This feature was there 6 months back but I can't find it now.
1 voteDo you mean the bar graph of your balances with all friends, or the monthly pie chart of expenses?
You can view the bar graph of your balances by going to the dashboard and clicking the “view as chart” button in the middle of the page.
You can view the monthly pie chart by going to any friend or group, clicking the “trends” button at the top of the right-hand sidebar, and then clicking “View full charts” at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar.
Hope that helps! Email us at if you’re still having trouble, or if I’ve misunderstood your request.
Don't show pairwise balances owed for groups
I much much much prefer the older interface where it would show how much everyone owed the group / was owed by the group, rather than how much I supposedly owe other people or are owed by other people. Please revert back to the old view, or give me an option to do so.
I !!!DO NOT WANT!!! to have to go back to the world of debt shuffling that I had with billmonk. These changes make me more likely to switch back to billmonk.
1 voteThat option still exists – it’s called “simplified debt”, and it sounds like it was probably turned off in your group. Just visit your group’s page on the web, click the “view full details” link at the bottom of the list of balances, and you’ll see a toggle to turn simplified debt on and off.
Hope that helps! If you’re still having trouble, email us at and we’ll help you sort it out.
Make the Recurring Label Smaller
Maybe just an R? It gets cut off.
1 voteI think our layout handles this better now. Let us know if you’re still seeing issues.
Previous features were better than current
Previous features were better than current.
Current changes doesn't show up the the total payment to be made to specific person, rather than settling amount with individual. Old UI had this feature.
For example in a group, if John owes $20 to kate and kathy owes $20 to John. Then splitwise should make this calculation and show up as Kathy owes Kate $20, rather kathy paying to John and John paying to Kate. This feature was cool, but now it doesn't seem to be visible.3 votesThis feature is still available – it’s called “simplified debt”. Just visit your group page and click the “view full details” link at the bottom of the right sidebar, below the list of balances. That will open a pop-up with the option to turn simplified debt on or off. (It sounds like someone in your group may have turned it off by accident.) Hope that helps!
Fairness calculators page has inconsistent UI
The fairness calculators page ( still has the old black and green UI.
1 vote -
It can be confusing at first when you don't know that groups are set to have the "Simplify Debts" option on by default, you let users choose
It can be confusing at first when you don't know that groups are set to have the "Simplify Debts" option on by default, you let users choose at the time you create a group, or at least let them know somehow, since some times it is not desirable.
Also, that option is a bit obtuse to find, having to click on any of the people in the group. I accidentally found it, and when trying to find it again hours later it took me a while, since I was naturally looking in the Settings (Gear)/ Edit Group Settings of the…
3 votesWe’ve now made it visible in the main UI if you have simplify debts on.
Add Bill: Reinstate the ability to select members of a group via checkbox
The most common bills that I have are split with a subset of the members of my house. Instead of remembering who exactly I want to split a bill with, I need to be able to go down the list and check the people that apply. The old interface did this well, the new one does not. Since you've now removed the ability to get back to the old interface, there is no way of doing this except for manually typing out partial names for everyone I want to add. (~4-5 people every time)
Additionally, reinstate the ability to use…
1 voteAll these things are already in the new form, actually :) If you click on the “split equally” link in the new interface, the window that slides out should let you check and uncheck members on an equal expense, as well as choose any of the other unequal split methods that we supported on the old form.
If you’re still having trouble, email us at and let us know – we’d be more than happy to help.
Auto-settle group account entries when I settle accounts with a particular friend
When I have a single friend in more than one group and I settle accounts with them, the settlement does not nullify the dues in the group windows. I LOVE SPLITWISE, but I'd die for it if you made this change :)
1 voteThis is now available on web and iPhone.
have a bill that can be split amongst others.
For example, I pay $10 for something, but it was for my two roommates, so they each split that bill and pay $5 each. Currently, I have to enter it so we each pay $3.33, which really doesn't work for us.
1 voteYou can already do this, actually :) On the web “add bill” form, click “split equally” to open the split details screen, and then uncheck the box next to your own name to remove yourself from owing any part of the bill.
If you’re still having trouble, let us know at and we’d be glad to help.
Have one button for when one person owes another (no splitting)
The way I use splitwise, I'm inputting a large number of transactions where someone else owes me the full amount. With the new design, I have to open a new menu and change the split settings for each transaction, which is a pain. Another solution would be to allow users to set defaults.
1 voteWe’ve streamlined this a bit in the new version.
Allow user to download/backup their transaction history in excel or pdf
Allow user to download/backup their transaction history in excel or pdf
5 votesYou can download a .csv version of your expenses with any friend or group – just visit that page on the web, click the settings/gear icon next to their name, and choose “Export to spreadsheet”.
You can also download monthly PDF summaries for groups by clicking the “view as PDF” link in each month’s header.