AdminSplitwise Support
(-, Splitwise)
My feedback
31 results found
6 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! I can definitely see how this would be useful, especially for muting certain groups. I’ll add it to our list of possible future improvements.
An error occurred while saving the comment -
59 votes
I’ve re-opened this ticket due to a re-request on Feb 22 2015. – Jon
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Hi! This has been bugging me for awhile.
- Click "Add a bill".
- Click outside of the window that appears.OBSERVE: The window disappears, possibly losing any data you just input.
EXPECTED: Nothing should happen to the window unless you click an explicit close button, as is a common graphic user interface convention.
I don't know who else is annoyed by this but wanted to point it out. Can you please fix it? :)
17 votes
Not marking as planned yet, and will leave for others to upvote. We do hope to improve our category scheme / exports of it down the road. – Jon
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
13 votes
Splitwise does strive to make communication around money easier and less awkward. I can see how this feature might help accomplish that. We’ll keep it on our radar, thanks!
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
14 votes
Good suggestion! We’ve talked about adding a date range to both the export and the monthly summary – it’s never quite made it to the top of the to-do list, but hopefully it will sometime soon. In the meantime, I’m sorry for the delay!
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Should only include expenses added after latest 0 point.
7 votes
Push notifications can only have 200 characters, so it can be a little tricky to get names in there in addition to bill info. We are considering this, though.
As of last week, when you tap a push notification it’ll take you right to the expense in question (not just to the Home screen) which should help you be less confused.
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
When someone updates an item in a group, the app does not show the name of the person who added that expense. I would love to see this feature in the app.
669 votes
We aren’t planing to add support for custom categories in the near future. We’re considering better ways to allow people to sort expenses into categories other than the ones we’ve provided. In the meantime, if there are particular important categories you feel are missing, feel free to email us with a suggestion at
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
When choosing "other utilities" etc as a category, the spreadsheet export simply lists this as "Other" which makes it hard to differentiate between categories.
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Hi Shreyasi,
While it's not "hard" to implement in a purely technical sense, it is hard from a product design point of view. For instance, if we want to improve our graphing functionality, auto-categorization functionality, etc, we now have to support an arbitrary number of new categories, and then we need to think about how that will impact all the ways that people have chosen to implement categories for themselves.
Basically, it's easier for us to build good products when some things are constrained.
We currently provide two free fields (Description AND Notes), and if you have a custom kind of thing you spend on, you should put your custom category markers in the description field. This will also work well if we implement a better global search that allows budgeting/graphs via those searches, and your "custom tags" in the description field will work just like custom categories.
I hope this helps!
Jon -
4 votes
Interesting idea! I’m not immediately sure how feasible this is (i.e. I don’t know how easy it would be to actually fetch all the bill data given a barcode), but I’ll pass on the suggestion.
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
1 vote
Thanks for this suggestion! This makes a lot of sense. The next time we’re updating our auto-categorization code, we’ll make sure we add some love for Australia :)
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
37 votes
Unfortunately we’ll need to make some technical changes on our backend before we can support 3-decimal currencies, but hopefully this is something we can work on in the future!
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
1 vote
Interesting suggestion! I can see how this’d be pretty cool, though I can also imagine how other people would see this as a breach of privacy, so we’d probably have to make it opt-in or something like that. I’ll add it to our list of possible ideas for the future :)
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
7 votes
We do currently track time, but it’s not something we show in the interface.
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Very nice app. This app has solved great everyday problem of mine.
I have two suggestions.
If you could incorporate time also along with date of adding expense, it will be better than.
Add the name of person who added the expense.Because problem arise if more than one person adds the expemse woth same name, the it becomes difficult to identify what is added by whom and when.
1 vote
Thanks for the suggestion! We’ll definitely consider this the next time we update our list of categories.
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
19 votes
I could see how having a password pdf to be used within a group or friends would be helpful. I’ll bring it up at our next meeting and see if it’s something we’d like to add.
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Add the ability to attach PDF receipts/notes on Android
17 votes
Interesting idea! We’ll definitely bring it up in our next feature-planning meeting :)
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
to decide which household items to purchase (ie type of dish soap)
30 votes
Sorry for the trouble – I’ll pass on the feedback! For now, you could try adding your bill on our website and choosing “itemized bill” as the split method, which includes some handling for tax (and for splitting up a bill’s items between multiple people).
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
From a UV ticket:
"It wil be best if you add tax benefits with tax as well as service tax and possible other tax" -
0 votes
We will probably implement messaging in the future, which would solve this. Not sure whether we’ll ever give users notifs when their friends log in — seems a little invasive?
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
53 votes
Our next update to the Excel feature is to bring it to mobile. Not sure when we’ll have the bandwidth to consider functionality on the whole. Sorry for any inconvenience! Zoe
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) shared this idea ·
87 votes
Makes sense! Ideally, I think we’d like to add the ability to include pictures in comments, which would let you add as many pictures as you want for an expense. This hasn’t made it on to our roadmap yet, but hopefully it’s something we can consider in the future.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Hey Adrian, thanks for the details! It helps a lot to hear exactly how someone is using Splitwise, and I'll pass on that information at our next design meeting.
For what it's worth, most Splitwise users let their balances add up over time and only settle up once every month or two – but you're definitely not the only person who settles up after each individual item. One of the hardest challenges in making Splitwise has been finding a way to satisfy both types of people, especially when both types of people share the same group :) I'm not sure if our push notifications will change in the exact way you propose, but I'd love to test out some alternate wordings and see if we can find any improvements.
It’d be great to be able to activate notifications only for
specific groups or friends.