Adding more options in the fairness calculator for splitting rent, such as who is sharing what bathroom.
I'm living with 3 friends two which are brothers. One of the brothers has a bathroom in his room who he shares with his brother while he's not sleeping mainly. My room doesn't have a window and is somewhat awkwardly arranged with a door to the outside. The other two rooms are identical. The idea is to basically add more options to describe who's sharing what besides common rooms and such. As of right now I pay $525, roommate 2 pays $608, and brothers pay $633, the older brother having the room with the bathroom for a close total of $2400. Roommate 2 pays $83 more for having a window and regular arranged room and $58 less for using the common bathroom. So adding more options giving more details to each room would be valuable. As well as providing information on how things such as having a window and not having a window are valued. Thanks for everything thus far, I've recommended Splitwise to all my friends! :)

Thanks for the suggestions! We’d really love to update the rent calculator at some point. I’m not sure exactly when it will next get updated, but I’ll add this to our list of possible improvements :)
Daniel commented
Hi, I think as many possible variables for the rent calculator would make it even better; for example;
-being able to type custom square foot/metre size for the room size, rather than choose between set options
-More size options for the closet; none, small, normal, large
-Differentiate between a private full/half bath, and a private full/half ensuite
-Up/downstairs bedrooms
-Type of parking space; garage, street, off-street, no car
-Supplying furniture; a price variation in the rent for those who supply all/some/no furniture to the apartment
-private office space; where one or more people have their own private office space out of an empty bedroom/or elsewhere -
Whitney commented
Definitely! Our house has 4 bedrooms, three bathrooms and five people. Two bedrooms have only one renter each and have their own private bathrooms inside of their rooms. The last bathroom is located in the common space and is shared (because of the house layout) by the individual in the third bedroom and the couple in the fourth bedroom.
Put another way, it's like this:
Bed 1, one renter - private Bath 1
Bed 2, one renter + private Bath 2
Bed 2, two renters (couple) - share Bath 3 with
Bed 3, one renter - share Bath 3 with the couple in Bed 2My suggestion is, just like you have the check box for a shared bedroom, have a check box for a PRIVATE bathroom (which would obviously increase the value of that person's rent) and/or a way of indicating who is sharing which bathrooms (which would reduce the value of their rent) :)
Whitney commented
Can you add a feature for sharing the bathroom? Right now it's the only option you don't have and is a big factor for rent for us! :)