Provide easily accessible info on the differences between memo, note, and comment
In both the web & mobile apps, it would be great if you had a little 'I' in a circle that we could click for more info about a specific feature--specifically I was and still am very confused as to the differences between a Memo, Note, and Comment. Would be helpful if there was a short sentence or two explaining what each feature was for. Thanks for a great app!
Sorry for the confusion! Yep, I agree that all those differences are pretty hard to understand. Hopefully it’s something we can clean up in the future. In brief:
Memo: Basically the same as the “Description” field on a normal expense. When there’s enough room, we try to display this text right in the list of expenses (e.g. “Ryan paid Jon $20 for ‘Groceries’”)
Notes: When adding an expense or a payment, the notes field lets you include extra information about that transaction. (Once upon a time, we didn’t have any ability to add comments at all, and this was the only way to include extra information about a transaction. Now that Splitwise supports comments as well, I think we may phase out the Notes field at some point.)
Comments: This allows anyone involved in an expense to add more information. An expense can have many comments.