Allow non-monetary debts or IOUs, for example Dinner for Mike; Massage for Carly; Dog walk for Jake
Many groups who use Splitwise are trading in non-monetary favors, gifts, mutual support, and barter. It would be very helpful for my collective house, my friendships, my colleagues, and my romantic relationships if I could track, privately or publicly, when I wanted to return a favor, ask for a favor, or otherwise ensure support was exchanged mutually and reciprocally. Splitwise could be that system, would be my choice for such a system.

Thanks for the suggestion! We do not plan to add tracking for anything that is not generally considered to be a currency. We’ve seen some other apps in our space add these kinds of features and it turns out to just be a different sort of problem than splitting money. I’m happy you like our app and keeping it awesome means staying focused.
Flueesy Blueesy commented
Want to add a new currency option of hugs and kisses, so I can be cute with my girlfriend and I say owe her so many hugs and kisses, or vice a versa. Or like, units of love. Something warm and cute you know
Anonymous commented
What about taking SW to the next level and develop features that allow households to share (and split) all the daily activities (taking kids to school; groceries shopping, medical appointment). Modern couples can create a daily, weekly and monthly To do list and let the other know what one is doing from those lists. I can share more thoughts about this idea.
Anthony Paterson commented
Great for non monetary tallies.
Beers owed between mates, maybe.
I personally want it for relationship reward games. She does an hour monger thesis, I give her a token for a back rub. -
Bob commented
Brainstorm a way to handle contributions of wine/desert/etc by guests of family members to a family dinner split evenly between family members.
Arturs commented
Awesome beers! Just lost couple of beers abroad and would love to have this feature added.
Karlis Bikis commented
This app is great! We make bets with my mates all the time on various things such as beers or who pays for dinner. It would be nice to track these things in splitwise! I suggest to add a new button in the list of currencies, this button should say "custom currency" and when I click it I can type whatever I want such as "beer" or "lunch"