Adding an option to have a payee as a bill
Okay so this app requires you to select a person you owe the money too, like a roommate. I thought it would be cool, and I would need this myself, if you could add a lender or a monthly bill like a phone contract/insurance/broadband as a Payee and have it so two people can pay towards it, so you can keep track of the payments you've both made each time. For example, my partner has a catalogue, both of us have bought a computer out of it, so we both owe £400... it's hard to keep track of who's payed what and when so to have the option it would make it easier for probably a lot more people including myself! :)

I’m not sure what exactly your feature request is. It is already possible to keep track of split expenses such as monthly bills on Splitwise.
Simply enter the name of the bill in the description, such as ‘Broadband bill’ and then you can add as many people as you like amongst whom you’d like to split the bill.