Create an option to have a group deadline
My friends and I love to use your service and it makes our lives much easier. However, we do consistently run into the same issue. Some people inevitably are always anxious to settle up (or be paid), while others drag quite a bit in their entering of expenses. This always ends up with having someone pay too early and there having to be multiple payments of small amounts to settle up in the end.
Due to this, I think it would be helpful if there was an option to have a group deadline. At the creation of the group, all members would be notified of their "due date" and would have until then to enter expenses. At the deadline, the group would lock and no expenses could be added. Also, no one would be allowed to settle up prior to the deadline so that you don't run into the early settlers that end up complicating the math.
Of course this would all be optional, so that if a group needs to go on forever, they can choose to do that.

This is an interesting feature but it is rather complex and would require a large amount of infrastructure (and case handling) that could be obviated by better communication and coordination between friends.
Daniel Beringer commented
After a group trip is completed, members of the group expect to settle up all balances. People often submit shared expenses in the days after the trip. But how much time should they be given to complete this? When is the right time for an individual to settle up? The idea is to introduce a deadline and/or timer that counts down to the time until no further invoices can be submitted or changes be made. After that, everyone is invited to settle up.
Utsav Dhameliya commented
for example if someone owes me and me or him adds money ,there should be option to add deadline for the recovery of the payment, and notification for example, 2 days left to pay money to 'person' that would be cool
Siva Kumar commented
Add an option to add alerts for making or requesting settle up payments
Anonymous commented
This idea makes a ton of sense. We often have the same issue, mostly with people taking way too long to enter their expenses. It would also be cool if members of the group got an alert email a few days before the deadline. +1