To add the time at which bill is added by a person along with the price and date of the bill.
When a bill is added, only the date and price of the bill is shown. I suggest you also add the time of the bill.. like when the person is adding the bill on Spiltwise (by App or by PC).
We do currently track time, but it’s not something we show in the interface.
Rohan Dutta commented
Now user can only see the month as in which month the transactions was added. It will help the user if exact date and time is visible
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Very nice app. This app has solved great everyday problem of mine.
I have two suggestions.
If you could incorporate time also along with date of adding expense, it will be better than.
Add the name of person who added the expense.Because problem arise if more than one person adds the expemse woth same name, the it becomes difficult to identify what is added by whom and when.