Have default currency symbols
It's not fair that Americans get "$" and we get "EUR" :(
Hmm…have you changed your default currency on your account settings page? If your default currency is “EUR”, then we should automatically use the Euro symbol when showing expenses.
Paco Hope commented
This is marked as "completed" but I'm not sure it is. If your default currency is set to GBP, then yes, you see £ instead of "GBP." But if your default currency is USD (which, frustratingly, is the default) then you see "GBP" for transactions in pounds. Since you've gone to the trouble of coding up the symbols, why not always use them? You only see the symbol if the payment is in your default currency. Why? Why not always show symbols like €, £, and ¥? Or at least make that an option.
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Rather than the 3 letter currency code