Dummy Users for simplified splitting
I suggest you to add functionality to add dummy users. For example if I am going on a trip and some persons unknown to me are present. As per current system I have to invite them and have to add to my friend list. I am suggesting to have option to add dummy user without any invite so that expenses can be split equally among number of people present on tour but not my friends. Admin must have right to make any group with N numbers of users with his choice of name so that he can easily manage the whole trip.

Thanks for the suggestion! We currently support adding dummy users to a group on the web only. When you create a new group (or go to an existing group’s settings page), you should be able to add group members that have a name, but no email address. Hope that helps!
Simon Spannig commented
Does this still work?
Julia S commented
Yes Please allow adding dummie users! If you are travelling with just one friend that can‘t create an account, the app is useless
zak commented
AMAZING APP... free.. thanks a lot...
but adding dummy users would simplify the life of users, we know that it's all about mails and users, but just saying... we had to goes back to excel when someone in the group DOESN'T want to create an account.. so you loose 4users because the fifth doesn't want to join your mailing list. i don't know... -
Josh Bloomberg commented
This app is cool but it needs to have the possibility of adding a user by name on your own in case your friend doesn't want to make an account but you want to use the app to keep track of things nonetheless. I know it's all about getting users but is it worth making your product less usable?