Ability to change who you owe money to
When simplified debt is on, it'd be great to be able to change who you owe money to, ie select the person that you will settle up with. This will allow couples to settle up with each other first.
Otherwise set preferences on who each person will settle with. Ie A always settles with C is C is owed money, balance to whoever else.

Hi there Scott,
This is an interesting idea, and thanks for your feedback. It makes sense for cases where, for instance, one person lives in the same city as another, so it would be easier to manually assign the debts than to let Simplify Debts do its thing.
One work-around you can use it simply ignore the recommendations, and just pay who you want to settle up with; Splitwise will automatically re-adjust to accommodate your choices.
That said, I’ll leave this open for other people to upvote if they’d like it, but we’re not at all likely to do this because it would be a large change to the way we handle debt calculations.
Tony Minoru Tamura Lopes commented
It's very common that you would rather receive/pay from/to someone than others for many reasons. Please add this feature or any that would allow this.
Belle commented
If I have this friend as favorite, when together in a group I will owe to him.
This feature will be really useful when you and a friend are in many groups together.
So we can settle the accounts between groups.
Amit Narayan Gupta commented
wanted to post something on same lines. would be nice if it can be set for group, as if in a group whom would like to settle money with whom. for me most common use is in a group everyone settles with one person.
Luis Loyola commented
Seria ideal se houvesse um forma desse aplicativo configurar as melhores pessoas para quem devo pagar ou receber.
Digo isso porque facilitaria se eu recebesse de quem tem o mesmo banco que eu e/ou ao colocar minha namorada em um grupo de contas facilitaria se centralizasse as dívidas dela pra mim, ao invés por exemplo eu ter que pagar a um amigo dela que sequer possuo a mesma conta bancária dele.Outra dica interessante: Extrair somente o saldo de um mês específico das dívidas de uma pessoa.
Gaby commented
This would be a great feature!