away / vacation mode
I'd like a feature where you could enter the start and end date some member temporarily leaves a group (e.g. if said member is on vacation etc.). By default all expenses would be split between the remaining members during that time period.

Thanks for the suggestion! I can definitely see how this would be useful, but unfortunately it would also add a fair bit of complexity to how managing group members works, and it seems likely to confuse other group members. (For example, say you temporarily excluded some people from expenses, but then another user logged in to add an expense, expecting that it would be split among all group members.)
For now, your best bet in this scenario is to actually remove those temporary people from your group, and then add them back again when they come back. While they’re gone, they won’t be able to access the group, but as soon as you re-add them they should have full access to everything, including any expenses from before they left. I realize that’s not a perfect solution, but I hope it helps!
Joy Banerjee commented
When a person is disabled from a group he'll not be included when split equally is done for any expense. E.g. For a group for roommates, if a guy goes for long vacation then splitting expense is becoming tedious. Otherwise have to create a separate group without that guy.
Mary commented
Currently I use the Shares option to calculate what everyone owes me. I manually calculate the number of days each roommate is here during the bill cycle and each day = 1 share. That way, their portion of the bill is equivalent to the number of days they were present during that billing cycle. This is, however, a pain, so I support the idea of letting us enter the dates that each person was away, then Splitwise calculates the portion they should pay during that billing cycle. Maybe Splitwise could have a place to enter the billing period dates. That would allow it to compare the vacation days to the billing period, and automatically calculate the percentage each person should pay using an algorithm like the Shares function.
Enno commented
My flat mates and me (6 people) are thinking about to use splitwise regularly for our expenses and not just for holiday trip or so, but this is a feature we would really like to have. As otherwise everybody else would need to exclude the person in vacation manually. The leave and rejoin work around you suggest seams way more complicated, as one have to balance the account first.
I think this is a feature which only matters for long term users which could be considered more experience and probably mind that someone is in vacation. So i would consider this feature to be disabled by default.
As a second idea to prevent the other user from missing the vacation mode i would change the add bill dialog from:
Paid by you and split equally.
Paid by you and split equally/vacation mode. ( where the equally/vacation mode is highlight in read instead of the usual green)
So that just the default split method is change and this is directly highlighted for every one. Maybe there could even be an additional notification for every one the there is somebody in vacation mode.So I hope you reconsider this feature as it would make splitewise fit my daily scenarios and at least that of the two other user here, much better. And i think that's what makes apps great. Make unpleasant jobs easy and stay out of my way. Which by the way your app is already doing in a great way.
So vote for an optional feature for advanced users with visual highlight for the others against misconception.
Simon Flückiger commented
Ok, this is really close to what is suggested here:
With a vacation mode however you could add cool stuff like intelligently splitting electricity- / internet- or other recurring bills for that duration.
Maximilian Wulf commented
I really like that idea!