show group total by category spending
so I know how much I spent on a trip by category

Thanks for the suggestion! I could see us adding this to the mobile apps, though it is currently available under trends in the web app.
Mila commented
Many masters advise to make a repeated lip permanent soon after the first procedure, even if the client is satisfied with the result. It may seem that in this way the salons are trying to make money on the service. Of course, it can't do without it. But in fact, a repeated permanent will help you save money!
Tom-Daniel Laugerud commented
It would be nice to see the total of each individual category, both as regular text and an illustration say a circle diagram. For a custom period of time, for example from date to date for a continuous group or for the duration of the trip. Cause right now, I would have to export as spreadsheet, open in Excel (or similar) and then program it to take the amount in set box based on keyword and sum it. Very timeconsuming. Easier if you can just add this.
Daniel Pooria Janghorban commented
e.g. after a trip i should be able to see how much did I spend and what was the total cost of the trip.
Sara B commented
I’m using splitwise for my boyfriend and my home as we split everything 50/50. I’d like to see where we are spending our money each month and have a summary of each month with pie charts or graphs in the mobile app. Summary statistics would be great to look at per month and per year according to category and all together in the mobile app. I see that you can download an excel with the data but I want to be able to check in on the app to see how much we’ve spent on food for example this month and how that compares to the previous months.
I have all of these summaries on my personal excel that we’ve used up until now to split bills but I downloaded splitwise because I want the accessibility of an app to upload costs as soon as I pay instead of having to go into a spreadsheet on my mobile phone so hopefully splitwise will be able to add this feature.
Thank you!
Bernat Labarías commented
We can see total group spendings per category in a group. But this has a problem, if a group lasts for more than a single month or it is active during multiple months, the spendings are shown in different charts.
Is it possible to see whole group spendings even though they go through different monts? -
Uday Capg commented
suggestion is to display the total amount spent by group
Miguel commented
Would be great if the tool could present totals by category in the app (something simple, including all categories used). Would also be helpful if that is available after the group has settled the accounts, for future reference.
Thank you
Anonymous commented
Hi - love the app! In Your Total Share in Group Spending Summary, could there be a breakdown when you tap it?
Justine commented
It would be nice to see this by individual