Add setting or advanced feature to decide who bears the burden of uneven divisions
May I suggest adding an "Advanced Setting" that allows the user to decide who bears the burden of uneven divisions?
The option would allow the user to choose a simple "Me" or "Them" such that if the user chose "Me" as the bearer of uneven divisions then debts would be split evenly (to the cent) over all debtors and the user would bear any leftovers from the division operation.
For example ("Me" option), if the bill is $60.01 split over 3 people (including the user), then each person should pay $20.00 but the users takes on the extra $0.01.
An example with the "Them" option chosen; the same $60.01 bill would be split over 3, but anyone except the user will bear the extra $0.01.
I will say that I am more interested in the "Me" option as it would allow me to keep all my debtors owing the same amount and avoid any uncomfortable questions. However, I understand that others may not be as interested in this and might value the "Them" option.
Although I support what you guys do here (Thank you for this wonderful app) I haven't tested out Splitwise fully yet but it seems that the current default is "Them." If this is true then perhaps that could stay as the default if this suggested feature becomes available.

The uneven cents are randomly distributed among group members. We want to make it randomly distributed the same after an expense is updated instead of it being randomly reassigned again but we will likely not add a setting to determine this ahead of time.