More Payment Methods?
I was curious if Splitwise would be looking into adding more payment methods to their mobile and web platforms. Venmo and PayPal are really popular, but I have friends who aren't all on the same page, plus there's a disconnect with my parent's older generation.
Expanding to use Google Wallet/Android Pay apps or clearXchange network payments for banks (like Chase QuickPay) would definitely go a long way.
You're already half way there with Google sign-in!

Thanks for the suggestion! We do look at adding new payment integrations when they’re popular and have support for our kind of use (at the moment, neither Google Waller not Chase QuickPay offer integration support we could use).
I’m declining this because we have a number of open feature requests for specific payment integrations. Please go vote for or comment on the individual integrations you would be interested in using! I know you listed them here, but it’s important for us to track each integration request separately.
Anonymous commented
Why can't I pay ppl through the app!?!?