Apply payment directly to expense/pay for individual items
When a payment is made, you should be able to select the associated expense(s) & enter a $ amount to which expense the payment should be applied to.
An update: we’re still not planning to add the concept of a payment for a specific bill or a specific expense. We’ve left this idea under review for many years, but we’re not convinced it’s the right idea for Splitwise. We think focusing on a total balance makes things simpler in most cases. This is also how a bank balance works.
Here’s two potential work-arounds if you’re not satisfied:
1. Let’s say you want to set things up so you can see if people have specifically paid for a certain bill, or for a certain month of expenses. You can create a group just for that bill or month – then, when viewing that group, you will only see balances owed from that specific bill or set of bills.
2. Once you pay an amount and want to keep track of it being for a certain bill, you could use a comment on the payment and the expense. This would allow you to note down your intentions.
Also, since this request was added, we’ve added the following feature: if you ever /fully/ settle up with a friend or group, we automatically hide all bills before that time behind a tap or click to make things cleaner. This way, you generally can see only which bills specifically are affecting the group or friendship balance. (If things have been only partially settled, we leave everything visible.)
If you’d like to share more about why this feature is important to you, or why these workarounds are not sufficient, we always appreciate specific feedback so we can understand how it could help you specifically. For this reason, we’ll leave the request “under review”
Richard Inglés commented
Why list individual expenses when one cannot record individual payments? It's called "parallel structure" - it makes sense.
Yeah, I get the idea that you want to keep the app simple, but after I partially settle it still says I "owe" money for this, which I don't because I paid a specific amount based on the specific debts I was paying.
In short, I am seriously OCD, and the fact that I cannot record individual debts as paid offends every molecule of my hyper-ordered being. :-)
Donald Singh Khan Mathew Chen Li commented
Anybody who want this exclusive feature can pay $999999999999 to splitwise :) it will be available for him. Cheers...!!!
Romina Stiglitz commented
When I see that my debts are settled- I want to see each time (which date) i settled my balance. That time I can control my budget better
Anonymous commented
How do I create a group on Splitwise which I will be updating daily? How can I maintain this group when everyday some one else is paying the money?
Jon commented
It's been 5 years of planning, where is this feature?
Mike commented
Add Android Pay as well!
Stephanie Hsu commented
Jonathan Robert Lassiter commented
Justin Clifford's comment makes sense! Just spent over an hour trying to calculate whether one of my roommates was partially responsible for a late fee for not paying on time. This would help a lot!
Anonymous commented
I actually disagree and hope that you will never implement this. Splitwise is great for its simplicity and rolling balance philosophy. I feel like this capability would only over-complicate things. If some guy owes me $50, I don't really care if that $50 is slated for expense A or expense B. All that matters is the guy needs to pay me $50. Despite reading every comment below to try to enlighten myself, I still can't figure out a possible situation where this would ever be useful.
Also, "Simplify Debts" is by far the best feature of Splitwise. Applying a payment to a specific expense definitely breaks down there.
Just wanted to share my $0.02 with the dissenting opinion.
Anonymous commented
I definitely think that these points are all valid. And to keep the topic fresh for the Splitwise team, I am adding my request for a need to somehow show a specific items as being paid. Someone suggested even a strikethrough feature that would better than nothing. Maybe this will speed up your creative juices. This feature would be worth a $.99 one-time charge if you added it!
Justin Clifford commented
Came to Splitwise from SpotMe, and the way they did it was actually pretty simple. Each expense had its own balance and they were all added up into a main balance per person. If you decided to make a payment by selecting the person, rather than a specific expense, the payment would apply to the oldest amount(s) that were still not yet settled. So for example, if you had expense 1 of $20, expense 2 of $10, and expense 3 of $5, and you didn't pick a specific expense before adding a payment, and paid $31, expense 1 and 2 would be settled, with the payment being linked to both of them, and expense 3 would have $1 settled and $4 remaining, also with the payment being linked to it.
Jesse commented
My roommate has paid some bills but not all, so i cant make it easy without my own calculations ot figure out remainder of what he owes
Jessica commented
As a user who shared bills in splitwise and indicates payments for those bills
I'd like to be able to click on a bill entered and click 'Pay/Paid'. This will then open up a settle up screen with the details which I can then updated(cost and date).
To take this a step further, it'd be great if then the bill and payment was linked. I don't need to track the cost difference of bill to payment...just would like to be able to link.
So that it is easier to track non-bulk payments and so that I can choose what to pay off when, especially if I'm using an integrated payment option (which I can't cause I'm in Aus :( please get PayPal working!!!!)
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature, as suggested in the comments a strike through or icon will be sufficient!
Heather commented
A suggestion to this issue could be to strikethrough all expenses that have been paid for when settling up. That would be helpful for those who dont pay the full amount but want to show what has been paid for at that time.
Heather commented
Add an icon on the main page or when clicking on individual items to show paid expenses or just change the expenses that are paid to be a lighter color such as grey or strikethrough the text to show it was previously paid. For those that enter in expenses early such as the Electric bill that is due in 2 weeks it can get confusing when it gets paid for early since the "person paid $ on this date" shows up before that item is actually due so it looks like it wasnt paid yet.
Luke Savy commented
Pleaseeeeee add this feature. This is the ONLY limiting feature for this app. I so badly want to use this but this simple lacking feature is preventing it from being great.
Karandeep S Grewal commented
Hello I have just started using split wise. Great app. It would be great if there is possibility to settle each bill separately. If I entered 3 bills from friend Sam so instead of deducting amount from total amount owing .. It may settle it towards 1st bill so that way it's easy to track which bill is settled . In this case 2 bills are still outstanding. It will also make easy to make partial payments towards bigger amount owning. Thank you
chylinski.k commented
I think it would be very useful to be able to tick a completed bill.
So for example - if I need $150 for Utilities and $100 for Rent, and I receive $150 from my friend for Utilities but they still owe Rent...
I should be able to select an option "Utilities has been settled"Does this make sense?
Instead of just adding all debt together it would be nice to be able to view it categorized and then select which has been paid off.
ashutosh commented
In group, if there is particular bill for trip or dinner, i just wanted to clear that amount. I shoulb able to repay only that amount by selecting particular bill.