Specify items on expenses
Hello, I have been using this amazing tool for almost a year, and I've got some suggestions that might be useful:
1 - Be able to specify which items where in the expense for more clarity, and also optionally the expense group for the items, for expenses with items that belongs to different groups.
2 - The user should be able to create customized expense groups.
3 - I use SW with a friend, but not every expense is shared, so we give eachother the receipts so we can remove what we don't want to go to the site as a shared expense. But doing so, the data on the site does not reflect what I actually spent, but what we decided to share.
So would be also great (considering suggestion 1), if the other users could dispute the expense item or expense itself. What was not disputed would be shared, and the others would count just as spent history. I use SW data to help keep track of all my expenses, so this would make SW much more accurate for this mean.
Sorry for the bad english!
Marcio Cruz

I’m not sure we did these all in the way you requests, but we do have features that solve this in the app.
1. You can add itemized expenses, though only from the web (we are unlikely to bring this to mobile)
2. You can create groups, though I’m not sure this solves things that way that you want.
3. You can now comment on expenses, so disputes can be resolved in the expense itself.
edbury enegren commented
My whole crew of friends currently uses BillMonk for all of our splitting needs, and the only thing really keeping us from making the switch to SplitWise is the lack of an itemized expense functionality.
It's just so much easier to go down the receipt and pick out who owes how much for which items than it is to do the math separately and then put it into SW.
(It also allows for proportional splitting of tip/tax based on items ordered!)
We're super lazy, but very excited this is labeled as planned!