editing future dates and quarterly bills
Its a mild inconvenience that I cannot edit the next months recurring bills until the month it is due. So when I have a bill due on 7/4, and I don't want to have to wait have edit it till a few days before. I could just enter it in as a new bill, but I'd rather be able to edit the recurring and give more notice to my roommates.
I've also noticed that I cannot enter a recurring bill that's quarterly. This has led to some confusion between my roommates when they see a "new" bill. I'd rather it be anticipated as a recurring. Could you please make that an option when adding a new bill?

Hi, Jon here. Thanks for these great suggestions, and your patience with the recurring system.
We definitely have improvements in mind for recurring bills, and these are both great points. Sorry for the inconvenience, and we’ll check back on both quarterly recurrences and pre-editing of recurring bills when we get to updating the recurring system.
Anonymous commented
I'm just here for the quarterly recurring payments
Rona Amaranto commented
Upvoting please quarterly and semi annual billing recurrences. It's already 2020. This thread was started 2012 🥺
Kevin Gough commented
Upvote for quarterly recurring payments
Joshua Grantom commented
Another up vote for quarterly and bi yearly bill options
Linda commented
I just realized this issue was created and marked as Under Review 2 years ago. What is the current status? Is the ability to edit future recurring bills something you are still planning to add?
Linda commented
I would also LOVE to see the ability to edit future recurring bills to set the amount appropriately ahead of time.
Alex Turner commented
Another vote for quarterly recurrences - my garbage bill is quarterly.