Group versus Relationship Functionality
I don't like how you can have an individual relationship with Person A, but then also have Person A in Group 1, especially if it does not automatically show the relation b/w the Person within the Group and the individual relationship.
E.g. I live in an apt with 4 people (Group 1 = Person A, B, C, D)
- Group 1 splits a $60 bill evenly (paid by Person A)
- Person B loans Person A $40
- Person B owes Person C $10
In essence, if you have am individual relation with each of the people within the group, the system should be able to calculate all transactions for each relation (regardless of whether they are in group or not) and show the overall shuffled debt:
- Person A owes Person B $10
- Person D owes Person A $15
When using this tool, everything is segmented. In order to use the shuffle debt feature, you'll only really be able to have a single group.

Groups still do not show more general balances, but your friendship balance will include all balances from groups. We also settle up all groups and the friendship if you settle up completely with a friend.