Add debt shuffling outside of groups
There's an option on BillMonk called "debt shuffle" where an algorithm is run to reduce the number of payments between many friends. This would be a great option to add on Splitwise.

This is now live! We call it “simplify debts” rather than “debt shuffle” – check it out at You can find it on your user settings page within the interface.
We designed our debt simplification algorithm to obey three simple rules: (1) everyone owes the same net amount at the end, (2) no one owes a person that they didn’t owe before, and (3) no one owes more money in total than they did before the simplification. It also respect everyone’s privacy by only showing you how your debts have changed.
We’ve tested our algorithm with a variety of cases, but if you think it does a poor job with your data, let us know! Email us at and we’ll see if there’s a way to fix it that improves your case.
Ross Wilson commented
This is a feature billmonk had that is useful.
Jeremy commented
Do you mean shuffle debts from an "individual" to a "individual in a group"? Or do you mean just between individuals?