Groups is a terrible concept
Can we just add debts without needing groups? It's tedious to create a group for every single friend or group. Or just have a uber group for everyone. It's just ugly. Please fix.

Thanks for the feedback Srikanth. After a few months, we have come around a bit to your way of thinking. We certainly plan to continue to support groups – most people currently on the site love them! – but we want to focus on making splitwise work awesome without them too.
- Jon
Ben commented
Should update the status of this one, as this request is now live.
Srikanth Raju commented
Awesome! The way I(or my friend group) use online splitters is that just one of us usually pays for something when we go out and then we split. However, we never have the same number of people each time and most of the time we don't want to burden everyone with every single detail. This is why Billmonk worked so well. Groups are a nice thing for bigger events, but for daily stuff, it's important for it to be able to work without needing too much administration.