Allow a group to view total spedings for a period.
For example, allowing flatmates to know the expenditure for a month. Not individually (since thats already available), but considering the group as one unit. This gives us an idea of the cost involved in running the flat for one month (or other custom time periods).

We have this in trends for the group on the website. Click on the trends icon in the far right on the group page and click view full charts.
Gopal commented
I think it would be a good idea to provide a weekly spend view on the app. Helps to understand what has been spent with whom in the week.
Also using open banking integration you can show a weekly spend.
DIP commented
in case we want to know the whole sum of our expenditure for a particular month then, how can we find out that value. So i will suggest to include such a feature which will show the cumulative value. If there is such option
available then please revert and help me out. -
Rakesh Krishna commented
I want you to improve the activity screen. I usually check my acitivity once a week and I would like to track how much am I spending or lending per week. For example my roomamtes are ordering food regulary and its costing a lot. If I start viewing the activity it is shown day wise and no option to track it week or month wise.
Rajat commented
A feature to see how much I spent in a week or a specific month would be nice to keep track of my expenses.