temporary payments
It would be nice to add temporary payments. Some insurance money we have to pay for 8 periodes. So it would be nice to give an end date for a payment.
sorry for my english, if you have any questions, let me know.

I really like this idea, having an end date to a recurring payment after a couple of weeks. I think it will be something we do, because we’ve already got the recurring payments in place and adding an end date doesn’t seem too hard (of course I’m not an engineer so I may eat those words when I bring it up).
Caroline commented
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Rodrigo Siqueira commented
Already implemented?
Enderson Moderno commented
Repeat payment with a limit, por example, 1 of 3 (first month), 2 of 3 (second month) and 3 of 3 (last month) and repetition automatic finished, the payment do not more repeat.
Tom Z commented
For those times that you know you owe a friend for something but you don't know or remember the exact dollar value (a gift, dinner, cab bill, etc), instead of entering a dollar value, it would be nice to add a placeholder dollar value (with a reminder or some kind of highlight to recall that this is an unfinished entry). TY
Mark commented
+2. There are also requests for making changes to a single instance of a recurring bill. I'd suggest having a look at how the google calendar deals with recurring events. All the same; great work, I'm loving splitwise so far.