Currency conversion
When I went to Cancun, I charged/paid for things at different locations and at each location, there was a different exchange rate for the peso to USD. I would like to suggest a way to set the exchange rate for each item when doing a "trip" group. I ended up having to manually calculate the conversion and split it up each night for a group of 16.

Currency conversion is now included with our premium version, Splitwise Pro ( Right now, it’s a web-only feature, but we hope to add it to our mobile apps in the future!
On the web, if you click on a friend or group in the left sidebar, then click the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar, you’ll see an option to convert all transactions with that friend/group to your default currency, using the current market exchange rate. You’ll also see a suggestion to convert currencies appear automatically when viewing a group with balances in multiple currencies.
Hope this helps a bit! We’d definitely like to continue improving multiple currency support over time – I can’t say how quickly that will happen, as we’re a very tiny team, but it remains on our to-do list for the future. If you have suggestions or feedback, feel free to comment on this post and let us know. Thanks!
Elizabeth commented
Rather than going back into every individual payment, or converting all payments into another currency, I wish I could keep the exact values but change what currency they are in.
Suggestion would be on the expenses screen in the webapp, make boxes available to click to the left of expense and then have a function to convert.
Another suggestion would be to convert all expenses of a given group by currency i.e. set default currencies for different groups rather than by user. And then there could be an option to convert currency ($2.50 CAD becomes $2.65 AUD PRO version only) or just change by value (i.e. $2.50 CAD stays $2.50 AUD).
Suhas commented
Please add the currency conversions as we can add the bills in different currencies and convert in background.
I can work for on building a platform Whr we can track the current conversion rate into the actual user currency.
Let me know what you think of this.
Contact @ -
Anna commented
Great app, but would be even better if all currency calculations were done automatically & you could pay contacts through the app
Eduardo Seligman commented
Viajei algumas vezes com diferentes amigos e para mais de um país. Como passamos por diferentes países cada um vai pagando um pouco e fazendo câmbio local. Como a viagem continua mas a moeda muda tenho uma sugestão:
Quando saímos do país convertemos tudo para dólar. Seria muito útil junto da opção “quitar conta” uma “converter para outra moeda”.
Alec Harbutt commented
Say your holiday is over and you’ve paid the flights and taxis to the airport in £, but the majority of the trip in €: allow all € to be converted to £ at a fixed and agreed upon exchange rate (or maybe make it the exchange rate at the beginning of the trip) so that settling up is only in £
Tomas Edin commented
The ability to use different currencies when you are travelling and mixed it and when you settle up. Like in the app costsplit.
It would be great -
Sean McHugh commented
I think it would be an amazing feature to include a conversion rate for all entered amounts. Say I traveled to another country i would be able to enter the bill as it appears on the receipt but at the end i could enter whatever the conversion factor that my credit card company used when it converted it. Just an idea to make an already awesome app even better!
Thank you,
Sean McHugh -
Stella Demades commented
In case of multiple currencies, ability to convert to one “home” currency so easier to settle debt.
Lauren R commented
If I owe my friend 20GBP and she owes me 20USD, we should be able to convert that to a single currency! A ‘convert into [choose currency] button on balances would really help. Otherwise we have to do all conversions first on a different app before we enter which wastes time.
Sergio Reyna commented
I use it a lot traveling through Europe, sometimes One paid in Euros, others in Pounds and some others in Usd, MXN and also CZS Crowns.
When offsetting and closing the bills, the app tell me how many $, €, £ every one owes, but we need to paid in MXN, so I need to convert manually each debt in each currency. -
rajiv chaba commented
Splitwise is a wonderful app... very useful specially when I travel with a group of friends...
Adding expenses in multiple currencies is a great feature, however there should be an option to convert everything into single currency while settling up.
This is not necessarily required at current exchange rates but any of the group members should be allowed to punch a (probably mutually discussed & agreed) conversion rate.
Settling up in a single currency such as INR will be far more easier. -
Peter Archer commented
when travelling through multiple countries you incur costs in multiple currencies, however when it comes to settling up you only want to settle up in your home currency with all expenses converted back rather than having to settle up in multiple currencies
Inna commented
When group trip is abroad part of expenses is made in one currency, another is in different. By the end settling is impossible in one currency, which is very inconvenient.
Please consider to add option - set the balance in 1 currency (so we can use the exchange rate and don’t bother with different currencies)
Thanks! That would improve your great program SO MUCH -
Johnny Duncan commented
Standalone currency converter built into the app
Daniel Aguado commented
currency conversion for all users, please!
you should offer an option to calculate all the payments in the same currency, or only convert just one payment... The real problem is when you try to end the payments with your group partners and only appear a payment with a currency, but when you erase the payment (because i paid to my friend the amount), appear a new payment to the same person but with difeent currency -
Lee McLean commented
Can you select an option to pay what you owe in your home currency at an agreed exchange rate to avoid Having to make multiple payments. So even though you have been in a different country what you owe someone is all in tour home currency
Satchee Dodhia commented
currency conversion for balances
Steve Forster commented
On trips allow setting of a currency rate and conversion so all bills can easily be settled in one currency payment.
Anonymous commented
When collecting cost items in various currencies, Splitwise can only show totals for each individual currency and you don’t know the total amount owed. It would be helpful if Splitwise could convert other currencies and show one total
Sienna commented
With different currencies, I recommend adding a feature that allows you to equate the two currencies using a manual conversion rate. This would allow paying people back easier. For instance, on my last trip we paid both in jamaican and in USD currencies. When trying to pay people back we had to calculate by hand what the total amount we owe in USD is. When documenting our payments we couldnt just document how much USD we paid.