Integrate with
Is there anyway you can make Splitwise interface with I understand this might be a weird idea because Splitwise is not a bank :) But mint is a great app to keep track of monthly expenses. It tracks the expenses from the bank account. I keep thinking how great it would be if somehow my Splitwise account could be registered in That would make the data in mint so much more usable for me. All the proper transactions from Splitwise can be available there.
I say this because mint fails now because of situations like when I pay for my friends eating out or when a friend of mine pays rent. He later collects the money from us. But only in splitwise it comes properly. In mint it shows up like I spent so much money eating out. When in reality I spent only a part of it. Rest of it was me paying for my friends.
We’d love to integrate with Mint, but the decision is mostly on Mint’s side. If you’d like Mint to add Splitwise, you can let them know in the comments here:
Anonymous commented
You could allow the export of transaction data as QIF/QFX files though, as these are easily imported. I would pay for this feature.
Anonymous commented
You can exclude expenses from mint by manually going to that transaction and selecting the exclude option in expense category.
Kelly commented
Nora commented
I love this idea, but I can't imagine what it would end up looking like in practice. What I really need is a way for Mint to naturally exclude portions of bills that are paid back by my roommates, because Mint's budget system is *extremely* awkward for shared expenses.
Rather than having to pad my budgeted income with what I expect my roommates to pay back & pad my budgeted expenses to cover the entire bill, I just want my budgeted income to be my paychecks & my expenses to be only my share of the bill. (I actually do this manually, by splitting each shared transaction in Mint and categorizing my roommates' share as "Exclude from Mint". It's a giant pain.)
JR commented
I'm interested in this too! Mint is super useful for figuring out where your money is going but it would be even more powerful (and conversely, Splitwise would be even cooler) if they could interface together. Right now it seems like I'm spending a ridiculous amount on groceries, but it's actually split between 3 people.
Thanks for your consideration!
Anonymous commented
Just going to poke this thread because I like the idea and this is a huge pain I share....