Simplified debts
Allow debt simplification to disconsolate debts . For example if X owes me 5 , Y owes me 25 and Z owes me 20 , an option to have X owe me 50 and rest settled up. Useful in inter apartment transactions where you know one person in an other group better and easy to do transaction with him.

Anonymous commented
System should be optimized to minimize bank transactions. In large group we recently ended up with almost everyone paying to multiple people. I think this can be reduced by finding transactions where A pays to B and B pays to C, it should reduce B's workload.
Vivek Vepa commented
Practically, there is one person who usually manages the payments in a group - the person everyone trusts with money matters.
For example,
Person 1 - gets back $100 from Person 2
Person 2 - owes Person $100, owes Person 3 $30
Person 3 - gets back $30 from Person 2
But Person 3 paid for something for the group as Person 1 requested to, it would be better if Person 2 directly pays $130 to Person 1 and Person 1 gives back $30 to Person 3. At least such an option should be available to route all transactions through one person in the group.
Currently we have to create two transactions, one for explicitly saying that Person 3 has lent the amount to Person 1 and then Person 1 posting expense distribution, which is becoming cumbersome.
Thank You & Happy New Year. -
Anonymous commented
Read "Allow debt simplification to disconsolate debts" as "Allow debt simplification to consolidate debts" .