Update email notification
I have subscribed to Email notifications for changes made to expenses.
When my friend updates an expense, I get a email notification like "Car wash: $12.95' updated by Jack Maynes. A friend just updated ‘car wash’ in the shared tab ‘Toyota Camry’." The problem is that I do not know the transaction details before he updated it. Once he updates the transaction, I have no way of finding out what the value of the transaction was before he updated it.
For example, if he updates the Car Wash from $22.95 to $12.95, you message only informs me of the new value of the transaction and my new share in that transaction. All the data prior to editing is lost. It would be REALLY very useful if in the same email you could provide details about the transaction prior to the update. For example : A friend has updated transaction 'Car wash' from $22.95 to $12.95. You owed $10 earlier and now you owe $5
I just wish to see the 'entire change', or 'diff', if you may, and not just the state of transaction 'after the change'. It will be a great feature if you could do that. I am a Rails Developer myself and I can help out if you need.
Changes on expenses now get comments on what changed and you can get more notifications about them in your activity feed to see any changes.
Krishna Sworrup Haridasan commented
This is needed!
Ankush commented
Yeah, that would really be great !!