Add user permissions when editing/deleting bills
For example: if A adds a bill, only A should have the right to edit it or delete it.

We’ve thought about this a lot since we started Splitwise, and we think it’s important that anyone involved in an expense be allowed to edit or delete it. (We also think this is true for anyone in the same group as an expense, even if you’re not directly involved.) We don’t expect to add permissions in the near future.
You can read more about our reasoning here:
Ben Rosen commented
This makes Splitwise USELESS
Danielle commented
Only allow the person who creates the expense to modify it
Anonymous commented
Currently Splitwise allowing to delete a group with balance not settled up .
Kengo commented
You should be able to set so that certain actions (e.g. delete bill) can only be done by an admin.
Saket Satpute commented
if I add any expense, after huge entries of bills any of group member can delete expense and sometimes notifications are not be seen or keep an eye on. if rights are given to author of that particular expense then without permission of author any of member cannot delete/edit the expense.
Anonymous commented
So splitwise is not mandatory taking money from people's checking account directly.
The person who add the bill can update the bill when it is incorrect!!!
Why would you allow random people to edit bills without permission from bill owner??? -
Anonymous commented
one of the guys in the group went psycho and started updating all the bills, in the end removed himslef in the group. Is there a way to undo what he did, i don't want to update all the bills again manually ?
Omkar Jadhav commented
lets say one of my partner added 100$ is spend between us and I had to pay half. So when he did the payment, it is not advisable to edit spend by anyone else. So as he did payment and added in spends so it is mandatory to have editing rights to him only. Currently anyone can edit the amount which is not good one.
Atiq Samtia commented
When I added my friend as group mate and added expense. He was able to delete the expense even the expense was added by me. This should not be allowed to him
Saif Jigar commented
None of the members should be allowed to delete the posted expenses whether its between two or between the group
If he wants to delete or remove the posted expenses the person posted the expense should pass the reverse entry so that both the member can see !
The problem is that both of them can delete any expense posted by anyone which is wrong -
BiGKeY commented
There should be a provision of a group captain or the person who created the group should be given the right to manage it and not let anyone delete or edit the data , without everyone's approval
Kesava Reddy Bapathu commented
Once a transaction has been recorded....if there was any change or mis entry...Any person involved in transaction can propose a change where as the review of it will be in d hands of transaction initiator....He/she can only accept the proposal of change or can reject it...
Claudine commented
Our group had an issue where one person deleted others submitted items and it created confusion and chaos. I suggest that you limit deletion to the group creator and the individual who submitted the item into the app. That way the wrong person doesn't throw totals off
Ritanshu Barik commented
for Example X is paying for Y & Z. But i found that even Y & Z can delete the expense. That can create a menace. So all i am suggesting is that the person who is adding the expenses should be only person who can make changes to the expenses. I hope you are able to understand my query.
Adithya Shankar commented
Please try to introduce a "lock feature" for individual and group expenses created by a user so that other users will not be able to edit/delete it.
Administracion commented
no todos los miembros del grupo deberian poder modificar el saldo de todos, solo el administrador
Mohit Arora commented
It would be a nice feature in inclusding permissions. When in a group only the persons who have permissions can add/edit the expense.
Anonymous commented
anyone could just delete transaction, but without any log...
which is just "unsafe"
Prefer to have a setting for delete permission....let's say, only who create the transaction could delete it
or...anyone could delete but there will be a log to enquiry -
Administracion commented
i suggest than just the administrator can modify the information, the other people just can view the information, or have the option for asign a lot of administrators
Dhruv Sarawagi commented
Its of no use if someone manipulates all transactions without permission