create a way to settle expenses between specific members of a group
I think it would be great if you could create a way to settle expenses between certain people in a group, not everybody in a group. That was something we had when we used Billmonk - you could choose who to settle the bills with. For example, suppose that person A owes person B, and C owes A. When person C needs to settle with A, they end up needing to pay back person B. In the current group set-up, if person B doesn't really know or have contact with person C, it makes it more complicated to facilitate payment.
Hope that makes sense - let me know if I can provide more info about the use case.

Hey Song-My – it sounds like you’re using a group with “debt simplification” turned on. If you turn simplified debts off, the group should function just the way you’re describing (e.g. if A owes B and C owes A, that will NOT be simplified down to “C owes B”).
You can turn off simplified debts from the web by clicking “More details” next to your balance summary to bring up the details for your full group. Then click the “Simplify debt?” toggle in the upper-right to turn off auto-simplification.
And if I’ve misunderstood your suggestion and you’d actually like a different feature, let us know! :)
Valentina Reynaud commented
I'm in groups with people coming from different countries. we love the debts simplification, however it would be easier if we could settle (preferentially, and when possible) with people coming from the same country. for example, in a group I'm in now, I (UK bank) owe 200 eur to a person coming from Sweden, and a swedish person owes to my friend from the UK 150 eur.
I understand some mixed bank payments will be unavoidable, but it would be awesome if I could set up in the group my favourite people I owe to, so I could select my UK friends, and the swedish people would do similarly amongst themselves.