Add an Event and Trip feature
Ability to create an event or a trip, where a bunch of people put in the money they spent (optional who to split if with, default all in that Event or Trip). At the end who owes who is recorded and people can settle up.

Hey there – have you tried creating a group? Groups work more or less how you described: they allow a bunch of people to put in expenses together (with the default being split among the whole group), and at the end of the trip you can see everyone’s total balances. Check it out, and let us know what you think!
Isa commented
I agree with the concept of being able to classify group expenses with an event. It could be just a simple tag we add to the expense. Creating a group for each event would make it hard to manage all those groups.
Ajit Singh commented
I totally agree with Siam, In addition one can add multiple groups to event. Event should be a one time thing. And then they will be able to view expenses for particular group or particular event. In my case I have two sets of people with whom I go out. Sometime I went movie from subsets of those two sets but Its highly unlikely that I will go only with those people again. So Idea of event simplifies it.
Siam commented
I used groups, but I think groups and events are different concepts.
For example, I can create a group with my roommates to share grocery prices. And we will use the group as long as we stay at the same apartment. However, an event is like a 2-3 day trip, and after we come back from that trip, we don't need to add expenses to that event anymore. If I create a group for every event I go to, I will have so many groups that it will be almost impossible to manage.
And I also second Mukessh's comment.
Mukessh commented
But what if the same group add for many trips and everyone wants to see how much have they spent in each trip...consider this idea