Make bug reports searchable/commentable
This is totally "inside baseball," but I'm a dev geek, and I know you guys spend all kinds of time fixing bugs. I think it would be great if you could let users search existing bug reports (the way they can with features) to figure out if something's already been reported and maybe help you by adding more details to an existing report, and help you re-test if necessary.
Also, this product is AWESOME and I really appreciate all the effort that goes into making it and making it better!

Quick update:
We don’t plan to make our bug reports searchable. Mostly this is because most of the reports that we keep not in UV forums are either security issues we’re in the middle of addressing or minor issues we’re keeping track of but not planning to fix urgently. in both of these cases, there’s not a lot of value (and some risk) in exposing these to everyone.
Awesome idea, thanks Will!
We use Uservoice (this very thing I am using to speak to you now) to manage help tickets, feature suggestions, and the like. It’s true that when bugs are reported this way, only the articles and suggestions are searchable as part of the submission, so unless we publicly document the bug in our helpdesk you can’t find anything about it.
However, we kind of /like/ hearing 10 times about the same bug because then we know we better go fix it ASAP!
I totally appreciate your enthusiasm for helping us fix bugs though. You know, we’re always looking for great people… ? :) Or just email us at
Rabindra nath Reddy commented
there are bugs u should fix d bugs asap.