Not include payments in the expense summary
In the "charts" section, payments get included under "your share". I understand that you want to do the "you paid - your share = you are owed", but the result is that it's harder for me to see exactly how much my share of the trip actually was.
Another good idea George! In fairness, it’s not actually included in the pie chart, just the table of expenses, but I hear what you are saying. If you want to see the trip as what you actually “spent” independent of the payments moving money around, it would be the sum of the “Your share” column minus the payments.
We’ll definitely discuss this issue more as we revisit the charts / why I owe what I owe interface. Thanks again!
Megan commented
Right now payments are included as an expense, which renders the spending breakdown chart worse than useless. The only way to use this feature is to copy it into a spreadsheet and remove the payments row to get the correct totals and balance. Splitwise is so great, and such a useful tool. But it could be so much better with this simple fix! I see that people have been pointing this issue out since at least 2016 and it has yet to be fixed...
Aambro commented
When on trip, besides who owes whom another interesting information is how much did the trip cost each of us / total.
I saw a similar idea already posted, but when you are going to implement it, please keep in mind this:
When on trip, we sometimes loan each other cash and Splitwise does offer to use "A owes B" or B owes A" this "expense". While the balances turn out correct regarding who owes who what, it wouldn't properly attribute this value as a loan. If I borrow 50 EUR on a trip, it will seem like I had an expense of 50 EUR, but actually I didn't.
It would be great if loans are correctly included in the "who owes who" equation, but are ignored in the group (trip cost) balance information, where you could see how much the trip cost each one of us.
Anonymous commented
When i settle balances for a single person say ram. A negative entry is made in each group saying ram owes me whatever be the balance. when i see group totals for all time the group total is wrongly presented because of this entry.
Solutions: We should not consider all group settles in all group totals -
Hoiy Ho commented
You have something very close, in the web version's "printable summary", "your share" column.
However, it seems to include the settlement payment, and that throws off the cost per person. Or if there was an option to view with/without the settlement payments. -
Stephen commented
I noticed that when you go under Trends-->View full charts, payments and receipts are grouped under the "Your Share" column. The total of that column adds expenses and receipts together (thus R500 payment and R300 receipt would make the total R800) which is very confusing. I am thus unable to view my share of expenses for previous months except through the Trends function which only shows the current months share of expenses. This issue is also the case when you use the "View Printable Summary" function. I suggest you add a “You Received” column after the "Your Share" column to split up expenses and receipts so that they are easily identifiable. This will also enable the "Your Share" total to only show your share of the expenses and not mix it up with receipts.
At the end of the day I want to be able to easily view my historic share of monthly expenses.
Ferida Oe commented
I paid 10.000 for ticket and share
8.000 on me
2.000 on a friend
When my I recorded my friend's payment it is added to my share that my bottom line expenses become 10.000 which should be 8.000 -
Aman Jain commented
Sometimes we exchange money in a group, but don't spend money anywhere, meaning that's not an expense for the group. currently we need to include the bill for such type of transactions which add up in group expenses. but in reality they are not actually being spent somewhere. there should be loan type of feature in splitwise like settle up. for example, if there is group of 2 people Aman and Lynda, in first transaction, Aman borrowed 100 rs from Lynda and in 2nd transaction, Lynda borrowed 100rs from Aman. now, if we add one bill for 1st transaction and use settle up feature for 2nd transaction, group expenses would show 100rs, but in actual no money was spent. please include option of loan directly not through the form o bill in your feature.
Eugene commented
I second this idea. It is confusing to see payments in the charts as it has nothing to do with the actual costs of the household. The Total is therefore wrong.
Maybe it should be shown in grey but not included in the total of all categories.
Apoorv Sinha commented
When the balance settlements are displayed in the recent activity page , Its warranted there. Though at the trends chart, where the expenses of the month are shown in a graphic form these same balance settlements distort the complete pie chart.
George Dunlap commented
Thank you for the awesome service -- I've been wanting something like this for a long time. :-) If the website were free but the phone app cost a few dollars, I'd gladly pay for the app (after trying the website -- and assuming the app worked offline).