Post Edit individual unequal split receipts
Ability to post edit unequal bill splits for all users. After scanning receipt and individually selecting items for split i’d like to be able to go back and reselect individual items if i need to make adjustment also for others to be able to do the same.

Thanks for the suggestion, makes sense! I’ll leave this open for further voting for now.
Jonathan agam commented
Yes please!
Travis Johnson commented
the workflow is very difficult currently unless you plan out every input. allow for people to be added tip to be changed, items to be deselected or selected. currently if you back up nothing is saved and you have to start over. or if you complete the process and made 1 mistake you have to edit a txt file or delete amd start over.
Steven DesBiens commented
It’s great that grocery store receipts can be scanned, and itemized. I have three housemates, and don’t necessarily know which items they’ll want to contribute to when I go out and buy groceries. It would be nice if I can post the receipt to the group, and they can select items that they’ll want to share or not, and to let them pick what to pay for from it. The items in the list should remain separated under the payment for future editing after the initial itemization is performed by one individual.
Swapnil Salvi commented
By mistake, added an item in a bill for a wrong person in a group and then I want to edit it to remove from that person and add it to another. Currently the itemised bill can't be edited, once posted.