Don't require email address for group members
Requiring group members to have a unique email address makes it difficult to keep track of money I owe myself.
I sometimes borrow money from a savings account and want to track how much I "owe" myself which SplitWise would be perfect for with a slight change. The current system only allows unique email addresses as group members so I have to use a workaround to add my savings account as a member so I can record my repayment.
Actually, email addresses are already optional for group members – on the “create group” page, just leave a person’s email blank when adding them. The field should say “Email address (optional)”. Hope that helps!
Anonymous commented
I don't have the emails or every friend I want to add to a group. I dont want to add their phone numbers as I don't think they want to start receiving SMS messages.
My only option was to put in fake emails for their accounts. And now some of them can't login.
I think you should allow anonymous accounts, emails should be optional. I trust all the users of my group to act in an honest way.Thanks
Leon -
Hamza Belhajali commented
How can I add an e-mail to a person, that I skipped there e-mail, when creating the group?