make it easier to look through historical data.
My roommates and I are having trouble verifying who owes who what. We're considering moving back the google doc that we had because that interface is so much easier to look at historical logs.
Is there no way to just see a table of the history between two users? If there is make it more prominent.
Sorry for the trouble! Just to clarify: it sounds like you’re using a group, but want a better way to view only the transactions between two specific people, correct? I can pass on that suggestion.
Two existing features that might help somewhat (both web-only, and not in our mobile apps):
- Web only: In a group, you can hide all expenses that don’t involve you. Just go to your group, then click the gear/settings icon at the top of the right-hand column, and click on “Hide items not involving me”.
- Web only: You can also export all your bills to a spreadsheet. Go to your group, then click the gear/settings icon at the top of the right-hand column, and click on “Export as spreadsheet”. That may help if you’re trying to “verify” the total balances of each group member.