there should be individual settle button in Dashboard.
there should be a settle button against individual line items in dashboard. now i can see that who owe me or i owe who what. but i have to go to individual group/friend to settle up that amount. it'll be really good to have a individual settle button beside the line item say under a friend's name "you owe 450 for XXX".

I’ll pass on this suggestion! In the meantime, you should be able to settle up from the dashboard by clicking the green “Settle up” button above the list of balances, choosing a payment method, and then choosing the person you wish to pay back. Splitwise should automatically fill in the total amount that you owe that person. I hope that helps somewhat for now!
Rustom Burjorjee commented
Honestly, I find it really tedious that splitwise doesn't breakdown which transactions have been settled and removed from the total. When someone settles up (especially if it isn't the full amount), i need to know what was covered instead of just a total amount. This is quite frustrating as I have to follow up with people on what was settled and cant remove their settled amounts from the owed amounts. I really wish i could settle up individual transactions, which seems like a basic feature to have in an app like this one.
Tori Snell commented
Hi! So I tried settling up through venmo but in Splitwise it still says I owe my friend $$. How do I get Splitwise to reflect that I settled the payment?
Anonymous commented
Adding to the crowd here ... YES please implement a line item settle button. I don't want to settle all of the known bills for October, like my mortgage, when it's the first week of September. I only want to settle the gas bill that is due this month.
Alfredo commented
This will be really useful and quite simple to implement... please...
Vijay Raj Kumar commented
Is there any update on the suggestion considered..?
Anonymous commented
If one wants to settle a particular line item at the moment, settle doesn't (appear to) do that. So a settle button on the details page would settle against that line. This would be very helpful.
Sam commented
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I use this app to manage my Utility bills that I split with roommates.
I understood the point of this app was to be making debt mgmt. clear and simple. I cannot do that if all debts to me are lumped in as a whole, there is no way to keep track of individual bills being paid. (I do not charge my roomates lump sums for bills) Without this feature I feel as if this product is not worth my time.