Ability to use a calculator when entering bill
When entering a bill, it would be handy if there's a quick plus button there so that I can add multiple items fast and easy.
Currently there's an empty button on the number pad that shows up which I think could very well be used for simple plus/minus calculations.
We just added a very basic calculator function to our web app, so you can now use basic mathematical operations when entering a cost (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). We hope to add similar features to our mobile apps at some point in the future!
Stijn commented
this would definitely be useful. I find myself in need of subtraction most often, if I pay a grocery bill but there are personal items that I don't want to charge to my roommate.
Divyendu Singh commented
well !
ADARSH V R commented
In certain cases while splitting the bills, there is a need for using calculator. Say if I want to split a bill unequally between A and B. In the column where I enter A's amount, if I could to add different expenses applicable to A and if it automatically shows the total , it would be good. ( For example, say I enter 230 + 45 + 100 in the box provided and if it shows the total 375 , it would be good.). Otherwise I have to use external calculator to do this .
Per Stausholm commented
This would make me come over from "Settle up"
Venkiteswaran R commented
Just came to suggest this feature. Would be greatly useful.
Barbara C. Vazquez commented
Adding a calculator would be nice, I use it when itemizing stuff and tacking on the individual tax.
Julien commented
Would be amazing for the "adjustment" method as well !
Right now it's clunky at best whenever I need to quickly add multiple items without a calculator. -
Angel Petrov commented
Yep, definitely need that one!
Haseeb Haider commented
This would be more useful if it can allow selection of multiple categories per bill.
Anonymous commented
I'd also love to see basic math operations available in the number fields.
Simão Martins commented
I would go one step further: whenever there is a number field, that number field should accept not only numbers but some basic math operations. For example: if you entered (4.6+2.53)*1.23 in the field, when that field loses focus it would update itself to 8.77.
Have a look at http://mathjs.org/ or http://silentmatt.com/javascript-expression-evaluator/ to get you started in the webapp implementation of this feature.
Lobo commented
I want this feature as well. This might not seem like a great feature but this is cool and helps the end user a lot. When I have to take out items that only belongs to me or when I enter itemized bills, I miss this feature so much. Just + and - should be a good start. * and / will need a little thinking because of operator precedence.