Ability to use a calculator when entering bill
When entering a bill, it would be handy if there's a quick plus button there so that I can add multiple items fast and easy.
Currently there's an empty button on the number pad that shows up which I think could very well be used for simple plus/minus calculations.

We just added a very basic calculator function to our web app, so you can now use basic mathematical operations when entering a cost (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). We hope to add similar features to our mobile apps at some point in the future!
Анатолий Сулин commented
Add a calculator when you enter a bill
Yash Jain commented
Get a Calculator!
Rishabh Agnihotri commented
aasdzsqed@deys#seassstazwaeeaaawwaaagwqwSss,qqDdfc sss
Chandan Techm commented
Suppose for a single type of transaction i had to pay multiple times cash. In that case i have to use a external calculator add all the cash payment then add the total amount. So if a small addition and subtraction button in the currency section would helo not to use an external calculator
Rahat Chawla commented
Calculator to phone app
Prathwish Shetty commented
When splitting bills unequally we need to get out of Splitwise to calculate the expense per person.. instead adding a basic calculator can reduce efforts by leaps and bounds.
Anonymous commented
To put a calculator into the add bill activity would help many people that has different bill items.
In my case, I share flat with people and we buy things in the supermarket for all three, but not some items that we don't share.
For that we are going to calculator to sum all shared products and then go to splitwise to add the sub set sum. -
Axel commented
example: 2.75 + 2.89 automatically is automatically shown as the total sum, so 5.64.
saves me from having to go the calculator app to add up the value that needs to be entered as the expense. contact me if it's unclear, this could save us a lot of time.
Bob commented
I'd like to write "Dave bought Ashley pizza for 39.75/2" where "/2" splits the total in half.
Prashanth Balaboina commented
I would like to add few amounts before adding an expense.
Abdulaziz Shaikh commented
It would be good to see a calulator option when we are entering expenses. Sometimes we need to split a bill which needs calculation to be done in mobile app and then make an entry. If we have a calculator inbuilt in app it would be easy access.
Mauro Ghibaudo commented
In Japan prices are without taxes; we needed to do divide by adjustment, but having just the price without taxes we had to calculate them manually. Would it be possible to allow formulas in the adjustment forms, so to be able to do like 550*1.08 (to add taxes) or 550/2 (if the adjustment is half an item)?
Praveen commented
Oh this what even I was looking for ;( kindly do it
Hardik Thaker commented
Ohh not 2 years, it's 4 years. Great...!!!
Hardik Thaker commented
It's been 2 years, since the original idea is approved. Where is the Calc. It is a basic utility that this kind of apps must have. If you guys are not able to do so or busy so much, give it to me, I will implement it.
Hardik Thaker commented
We don't add add single item every time. For eg if my friend buy 5 things, which will be going to be shared equally in group. Then we have to calculate the amount manually and add it.
It will be great if we have a calculator at the time of adding new bill, that too just next to amount field.
Kindly look into this request.
Thanks & Regards -
Anonymous commented
Cordi commented
if you have a grocery bill for example and A is supposed to pay a few things, it would be cool to add up the costs in the app directly.
thanks for this great app! -
Anirudh Chhangani commented
As an additional feature can you add evaluation of expressions as well while entering a amount for an individual, for example a bill contains multiple items purchased by a person and ability to add individuals expense in way like (45+65-8+98) which automatically evaluates to a number would be great feature.
Piotr Dąbrowski commented
That would be awesome!