Decimal point in amount entry
I'd probably be easier and less confusing if in the amount entry when adding a bill, the decimal keyboard (UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad) where shown instead of only numbers.
Update: we’ve moved away from the ATM style input field.
I’ll pass on the suggestion! Right now our number input is designed to work more like ATMs and some other banking apps, where numbers fill in from the right as you type. Sorry for any confusion!
Anonymous commented
I’m trying to figure out how to add a decimal point to my bills. I don’t want to round up
Jetszz commented
Hi, not sure if it is related or not. But, my keyboard shows the point as comma , . But the system read the decimal point . So i need to copy paste back and forth the numbers.
Is it because of my region? Is it possible to give the keyboard the decimal point that being used by the phone?