enable mass editing of expenses
I have a bunch of expenses that I want to put in a group but I can't find a way to do it other than one at a time. There should be a way to edit several fields on multiple expenses at once. I see there's a suggestion called "Bulk Edit Expense" but it hasn't been commented on since 2012.
By the way, I just clicked to sign in with Google and got this security message from Chrome: You attempted to reach feedback.splitwise.com, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as *.uservoice.com. This may be caused by a misconfiguration on the server or by something more serious. An attacker on your network could be trying to get you to visit a fake (and potentially harmful) version of feedback.splitwise.com.

Updating this as it’s been a while. We’ve discussed this a few times and can see how it would be useful in a few cases (such as mass-moving expenses between groups – if you or anyone else needs help with that, feel free to send us a support email). We’ll keep it open for now for further voting and comments.
Ewan Robinson commented
I'd like to second this request. Bulk editing would be very useful - for example, it would help for splitting a category of expenses unevenly (i.e. some people in a shared house eat more groceries than others). Doing it one-by-one is extremely cumbersome and time consuming.
Nathan commented
Bulk/batch editing shouldn't even require the same information; I want to be able to select an arbitrary group of entries and edit them all at once; change them all to a certain category for instance.
ville commented
This is very good idea. I'd like to see possibility to add new people to share expenses afterwards. Useful shen a new person joins the group after some expenses are already recorded there.
Anonymous commented
+1 for bulk edit to move expenses to a group.