Owed money between someone without an account
I think the app has some great features and could be useful; however it requires everyone involved in an expense to be a registered user. I should be able to use the application to split bills and keep track of money owed between myself and a friend who does not use the app.
If this feature is available and I did not understand how to use it please let me know. I would also like to know if you add the feature as I would register for another account.
Ryan Clare

Sorry for the confusion. Your friends definitely don’t have to make accounts for you to continue to add bills with them.
If you add their email address on a bill, they’ll get an email notification that you did so but only once — we won’t spam them. Their email address will be available to you in the system to add more bills as you continue to use Splitwise yourself.
If you don’t want to provide their info at all, just create a group on the website and add members by name only. No contact info required.
Cheers, Zoe