Show dates on mobile app
Like the design of the website, showing the dates on the list of transactions would help differentiate between multiple charges from the same place but on different days.
Our mobile apps now include the date in your expense list!
Mahith Menon commented
The listing is just plain will details now. I was thinking if you could sort them out by date, since I often find myself referring back to a previous bill. I'm using this app to enter my daily expenses as well and find it very useful. So this feature would really help.
Adrian Schweizer commented
Jeder Eintrag soll das "Eintragsdatum" anzeigen.
English: Please add the date by every item.
Niccer commented
Show payment date in list, not just month.
Bianca Tamayo commented
I don't see the actual date of the expense and I expect it to be there, so I end up confusing between "Added by X on Date" as the actual date of the original transaction.
ANSHUL GUPTA commented
Time is what i want there, not date. What if transaction are added on same date, how will we differenciate?
ANSHUL GUPTA commented
I have two suggestions for android app.
If you could incorporate the time also along with date of adding expense, it will be better then.
Add the name of the person who added the expense.Because problem arises if more than one person adds the same expense with same name, then it becomes difficult to identify what is added by whom and when.
Jay commented
please add expenses date
only shown last update date.
thank you