Confirmation of settle up
Because anyone can post settle up so why dont we have a confirmation for the receiver when he receives the money
Thanks for the feedback Romy! We are committed to keeping Splitwise ‘wiki-style’, meaning everyone can add/edit/delete things. It makes the app easier to use.
You can choose to get an email / push notification anytime someone adds a payment with you, and you can see a list of payments made (and other activity) in your ‘Recent Activity’ tab. I hope these measures will be enough to help you feel like you always know what’s going on.
Thanks for using Splitwise and best!
Anja Schmid commented
It would be great if both parties had to confirm that the debt was settled.
Nilesh Patel commented
sometimes a person can settle up without paying the money so there should be reverse confirmation required from another person to confirm it so incorrect settle up can be avoided
Anonymous commented
If with out acknowledge of receiver the group the settle up must not be updated. There must be an additional check here from receiver end. Hope you guys can add this an optional and if the group decides to opt or not
Shinas Chalimana commented
If my friend settled up or update any debit or credit there is no confirmation asking to me.
There should be an option to confirm any action other end user also ,
If i say a example , if my friend settle up with me it should ask me a confirmation that action can be done in my splitwise also,
Now all my records can be edit by other end user also,, if its wrong what i can do? -
Kunal Roy commented
Righ now app is not confirming settlement with cash payment. Yesterday when my friend paid me by cash,i received the settle up message from my splitwise app without asking me any confirmation.
Emoboy69 commented
You should be able to confirm whether you really got the money someone owes you or not.
Ketan Daryapurkar commented
My friend did not pay me the money but settled all the bills. Now I don't have access to how much money I was supposed to receive.
kaira smith commented
The Confirmation of settle up useful details for work.
Veith Beninca commented
I would propose to add an approval functions for transactions/payments.
At the moment a person can just balance a bill without any confirmation of the counterpart.In case of any questions regarding the user journey of the function, send me a mail.
Veith -
Workflow approval from the other person im settling up with
Alessandro Petrone commented
When a person who owns someone a money go in the app and set the bill as paid, the other part should need to approve/confirm it before the app considers as paid. Alsi, if I create a payment, I should be the only one to delete or edit the payment.
ankit srivastava commented
give a confirmation to the people before the settlement .
don't allow one sided settlement option. -
Kiran Mahale commented
when anyone paid for particular expenses then let user allow to confirm whether money has been received or not.
Saurabh commented
badly missing this feature. any payer can update without making payment and payee has no controll over it.
Mehmet Göksu commented
when user send money to another user please add confirmation to yes ı receive money options then it should affect to show
jjellison commented
when someone clicks the "square up" button, it automatically frees you of debt without any verification. you should have a feature to where if Person A owes perosn B money, when person A hits 'square up' it sends peron B a notification saying "Person A says they are squared up! would you like to confirm?" and on Person A's screen it will say "pending square up...". This way people cant just secretly escape debt.
Daniel commented
I fully agree with that reasoning. However, why not add a simple confirmation check mark, which in turn could still be editable by anyone? Having an change log like there already is for bills ("John Doe confirmed this payment"), this would provide all the desired wiki-style transparency as well as the additional value to the payer (did the payment come through?).
In my personal experience, the lack of such a feature often leads to unnecessary side-channel communication or misunderstandings about which party is supposed to put in the settle-up transaction. This is a notable difference to bills, where it doesn't really matter because they can be verified by others immediately. With payments, however, I often end up abusing your notification mails in my inbox as a reminder to check for the actual money arriving in my account some days later. This might vary depending on your country's banking system. Within Europe, private money transfer is usually a push transaction that takes up to 2 days, so there is a rather large period of limbo in which a settle-up entry in Splitwise might be considered either "missing/forgotten" or "posted too early" by either party.
Ajit Singh commented
Settle bill should be from both side. Like a confirmation to the other party that "xyz person who owe you/lent you is requesting to settle a bill"
Franky Lui commented
Receiver of settlements should have a confirm status, to acknowledge funds received.
Account balance should be pended until this acknowledgment is cleared.
This is to keep clear records incase there is time lags, eg banking delays.