Make Plates for Android.
The iOS app is gorgeous and I'm jealous.

Thanks Jesse, couldn’t agree more. In fact, I’m up-voting this too :) As the Splitwise team’s big Android fan, I keep having to ask my friends to go download Plates so we can use it. Plates for Android is definitely something we want to do, but we’re juggling a ton of priorities on the core app on both iPhone and Android right now. But for sure it’s on our minds, and thanks for submitting the suggestion!
- Jon
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Phil commented
It's been so long. Please make this for android... Or even better, combine the tax and tip functionality to Splitwise
Sarah Cho commented
Any update on this? The world is not just iOs users and it's been 8 years since the intital request!
Friday Night Funkin' commented
I don't think so iOS requires a lot of download, it's not as simple as Android. Not only that, games like Friday Night Funkin' play smoother on Android -
&@&@ commented
nfhjhr nfhjhr commented
Ezdean Alkurdi commented
I know “divvie” and “splitti” are two Android apps that have the same function, I personally use “divvie” for its modern UI but it would be interesting to see something from Splitwise.
Nuage Laboratoire commented
Gaurav Dhakrao commented
is jon even working at Splitwise anymore? we want this. this is the basic thing Splitwise should have started with.
Clarice Chang commented
It's been 5 years since admin have responded that an Android version is planned. Please release soon so I don't have to depend on my iPhone friends to split the bill with Plates all the time!!
Anonymous commented
Is this ever going to happen?
Hans commented
Dudes... Make this allready!
Anonymous commented
it's been almost 5 years; i'm a huge splitwise fan, but also a google/android fan.
please make plates app available for android. Thank you! -
Ayame Takahashi commented
I would still love to see this on Andriod. Please let us know if this is even on the pipeline for 2019 (or later) or has been scrapped. Thank you!
Alexander Laut commented
I saw you guys promoting this app on the web interface, I thought it was a good idea but no android app. What gives?
All that you did was show me that alternatives to splitwise exist when I searched it in the app store and now I'm inclined to try them out... Seems like pretty poor marketing to me, get your act together.