Pooling the money
Lets say an future event/trip is planned where by several group members pool in the money with only one or two of the group over a period of time. And at the event or trip these one or two people spend the money on behalf of others. So this would ideally be a transfer at the beggining and then the actual expense.

I’ll pass on the suggestion! For now, you might try creating a group with an extra member named “Pool” – you could have everyone pay that fake member some money to start, and then that fake member could pay for expenses that come out of the group pool. Hope that helps!
Anonymous commented
People usually contribute certain amount to the pool which is expensed later
Justin commented
Not sure if this is possible or not. I sort of have it working but it doesn't seem meant to do it.
Here is my situation.
We have a lake house. Three families own it.
In order to handle all the expenses like mortgage / bills I created a new bank account. Everyone dumps money into that bank account. Then i have all our bills pull from that bank account.In splitwise i created a dummy account called Bank. Then when a bill comes i say the bank paid that bill.
This somewhat works but it will say things like the bank owes us money when we add extra money into the bank for the month. (we just want that money sitting there so when a new bill comes in it pulls from there)
Also if you split equally it would be nice to say not to this generic account. Because it is generic and not paying a portion of the bills. (I assume i can probably do this in the paid version)
ahchao commented
Hi Splitwise, if you are having trouble implementing this for more 5 years for such a common use case, you might want to open source and modular your code such that we can write a plugin for it.
Hussein commented
Ability to add some extra money for future expenses/ use.
Saajan Singh commented
Group of people (say 6 people) are travelling. Hence they created a group for expenses. This is a sponsored trip by 2 members (let say promotion party) within the group by different amount, say 10000 & 20000 for person A & B respectively. Now during the trip people spends as normal and update the transactions. Let the total trip expenditure come out as 45000. Now during settlement, 10000 & 20000 share should be kept aside with A & B as sole owners, while rest 15000 is distributed according to the expense.I should be able to mark 10000 & 20000 amount at sponsored by A & B respectively, keep other transactions as standard. Then splitwise should account that amount while distributing balances.
Gangadharan commented
When one person gives advance to tour organiser ,there should be option to add advance booking against to that person where the tour organiser can fetch the value and can enter the expenses against advance .that is there should be option for both advance booking and actual spent to be entered
Athul Chandh commented
Hi we are 5 people residing in Bangalore, this app is very useful for us to split the amount equally, but we people are practicing like, we collect a certain amount equally from all at the starting of month and we will spend the amount from that common fund it is same as splitting the amount, so can you arrange that facility also in the app, from a master amount, when spending, that fund will reduce and show the remaining total as well as the individual amount reducing from each and some times this amount will not be sufficient for as at the end of the month then we will add equal amount in that common fund, some times an individual will spend the amount then the cashier will sent the amount to that individual, can you make some facilities suitable for this much needs, not only us many are practicing this method
Bruce Jobling commented
Heard good things about the app. Plan to use on our lads ski trip of 12 people. We usually have a kitty but also some one put something on a card.
Is there a feature on the app (can u add) that could have a kitty fund as well as the split fund / payment etc . As in say all (or most put in x to the kitty) still split any bills depends on person A pay for it or the kitty ...
good luck ! -
Hariharan Vijaykumar commented
If people are attending a wedding event, and they are planning for gift, the coordinator may open this option so that people can contribute as per their wish and coordinator can easily keep track of the money
Avi Zuckerbrot commented
sometimes a group has seed funding to start expenses from, not all groups start from 0 cash in the pot
Adauto commented
Would be great If we could create a budget and use it to pay the expenses. Would be easier to plan a trip and keep tracking of the expenses.
Vinit commented
Consider a situation where in one of group memeber receive a initial funds or starting funds for vaccation from company and we are a group of 3 people. Now is there a way to add this initial income to group.
Fran commented
Estaría bien crear un bote, del que ir descontando gastos de un viaje y si se acaba, ya ir calculando deudas
Ben Speybrouck commented
When we go on a trip with friends we often pay certain amount to a "group account". When we go for grosseries we pay from this "group account". Is it possible to make something like that in the application?
Nabin Shrestha commented
Integrate the "cash in hand" icon/tab/function so that the net balance of cash be calculated whenever the expenses/transactions are entered.