Select the mobile number from phone book
Mobile number is not automatically taken from the phone book when I tried to add a friend using the mobile app after selecting the person's name.

Niteesh commented
We should get an option to add friends by phone number rather than email ids.
Srinivasa Rao Allam commented
if I choose friends from contact it is asking me to enter mobile number or email id... mobile numbers are already available right
Gaganpreet Singh commented
While inviting friends on splitwise,we have to enter phone number explicitly, instead it should directly read from phone contact book.
Ankit Jain commented
Entering phone no. manually is quite difficult. Is it possible if we can directly pick friends from the contact list and make group. or you put both the options to put manually phn or pick from contact list.
Anonymous commented
Why can't the phone number be used as a unique identifier to send push notifications within the app? If I add a person (who is already using the app) to a group, then he/she could get notifications ?