Plates: Allow user to enter absolute tip amount
Currently we can add 0% or 10-25% billing amount as tip.
Allow tip amount to be entered by user (calculate and show % on basis of that)
This is because when we are in restaurant we prefer rounding up total amount e.g. if total amount to pay is $17.35 we pay @20 but plates app allow us to log it as either $19.95 or $20.13
Unfortunately we don’t plan to add the ability to enter an absolute tip amount at this time. Apologies for the trouble!
Kevin commented
I agree. This seems like extremely basic functionality that should be added. I'd imagine most people prefer to round up their tip as the OP mentioned. If you don't plan on adding this, please explain why.
Gokulnadh Naduvilakandy commented
This problem is not solved and makes the app useless for a real time situation.
Josh Rickert commented
What's the point of having an app to compute a precisely fair split if you have to fudge the numbers at the end because the tip is incorrect?
I'd also like to see the ability to enter a precise tip dollar amount.